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Prehistoric stone row - or collapsed modern wall?
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Re: a whinger writes
Mar 15, 2005, 10:09
>Those who have religion can see all things within a religious context.
>Those who have no religion can't.

I think that's fairly accurate as far as generalisations go ;)

Me and religion don't get on all that well, from Xtianity to Paganism or Science. But religion is a less unwieldy term than 'belief system'.

But I'm still not convinced 'sacredness' and religion have to go hand in hand. Religion sems to imply some kind of organised activity, aimed at the external environment outside of one's head, whilst sacredness can be something that is independant of external factors, existing inside one's head.

Hence a stone circle may be more likely to be associated with religious activity, as organisation is required for it's construction, whilst sacred hills may be places that induce spiritual* experiences on a more individual basis. Whilst we don't know much about prehistoric reigion, we may know a lot more about prehistoric spiritual experiences. Language and cultures may have changed through the years, but our neurology probably hasn't changed all that much.

*Just to invoke another dodgy, abstract, ill-definable concept that's fairly interchangeable with 'sacred' and 'religious'.
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