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Prehistoric stone row - or collapsed modern wall?
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Re: a whinger writes
Mar 10, 2005, 12:39
I think something along the lines of the 'Dodgy site' flag that Kammer suggested ages ago is still in order. Major revisions to TMA's structure would seem to be unlikely until after Mr McG has done the thing with Europe. But if dubious sites had something to identify them it would make it much easier for the Eds if the time ever came to have a corral such as you suggest.

As far as Stonelifter's putative sites go, I agree with him that there are undiscovered monuments out there in the Pennines, this one http://www.megalithics.com/england/crawbery/crawmain.htm was found fairly recently, and wasn't on any database prior to it's rediscovery. It was found by some of the few people to actually work on the hills, whilst heather burning.

But that's not to say every stone out there in the pennines has prehistoric significance...
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