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Natural or Induced?
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Edited Aug 25, 2012, 22:17
Re: Natural or Induced?
Aug 25, 2012, 21:07
Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
Littlestone wrote:
Funnily enough, John Marco Allegro’s The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East came up recently in a conversation between a few oldies gathered round a kitchen table in Wales. It’s a book you’re probably acquainted with but if not it’s worth a read. It askes the fundamental question whether Jesus was a mushroom or not. I’m inclined to think he was, but one unsubstantiated theory (or state of mind) is as good or as bad as the next so take your choice.

On a more practical level I love mushrooms – from the first of the season’s £1,000 a-piece matsutake to those slimy little shimeji fellas. Best one ever though was a purple bozutake (monk mushroom) incomparable in flavour and probably now known to only a handful of aging Japanese. We don’t know about, or use, mushrooms nearly enough. Ditto seaweed :-)

My thread seems to have gone to the dogs and turned into a culinary topic.
When I said induced into a belief of the Afterlife I didn't mean by magic mushrooms or any other mind altering illegal substance but by people from afar who entered the UK and brought their beliefs with them. Still I'm not complaining as I did introduce fish into another thread so it's payback time!!! :-)

I think it's quite hard for incomers to put their beliefs on us unless we want to believe it [like people did/do with christianity], as i think we would have always thought we knew better than them [ like islam now], taking up farming well thats a different matter.

Well that depends. Let's say that your current belief was not giving you the return you were 'promised' by your leaders and you and your children were dying young after crippling arthritus and rickets and all that goes with your lifestyle, would you not be open to a belief that promised you so much more supposedly. Clever plan if it worked because it got them a race that would work hard, build monuments for them and never be found out in their lifetimes having to wait until they died for confirmation of it. Sounds a bit like the Conservative Party :-)

Ha Ha, Thats the thing people took up farming because they could actually see the benefit of it, food sorted, more healthy people therefore means they had the time and strength to build the big monuments , a lot of other beliefs offer things after death, so could be wrong and would be seen as a big gamble, people must of always have liked to have seen some sort of proof , the food from farming could be eaten not just seen.
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