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energy grid ?
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morfe lux
301 posts

Re: energy grid ?
Sep 06, 2003, 21:54
"So the universe does not exist?"

"Yes it does, it just has no credibility!"

Explain credibility?

"Morfe ... What's all this 'art fills the void' bollocks?"

You said void. You said fill. You also said bollock. I was simply stating that credibility is subjective, you seemed to miss that point, in no way do I consider 'art fills a void', art is an interpretive tool and a way to communicate. I don't sugest there is a void being filled. Even if I were, I cannot argue that life would be far less rich without music, books and pictures etc. I may have been reading you wrongly, but my reply to you is that the limits of measurability equally apply to the measurer as the measured. This should always be considered, in my mind, to remain objective.

"Please people, make sensible comments and don't just answer with a question, especially one as fucking stupid as 'so the universe does not exist?'."

That's a perfecly reasonable question considering we are talking about what does and what does not exist?

"This is a forum, not a debating centre. We're hear to discuss things, not act like scumbag politicians."

So why are you shouting like a besuited monkey in the house of commons? And who are you to say there is no debating to be done on this forum?

"NOW, please note that I was talking about credibility and all you read it as existence. "

First you need to explain your definition of credibility surely? Then any replies to you may not be so readily met with vociferous swearing and 'no quarter' quatrains ;-)

"Dowsing exists. But does it work? There is a fountain pen on my desk. I know it exists, but I don't know if it works until I write with it and prove it works."

If you are saying that a pen is 'credible' because it demonstrates consistency, then yes I see your point.

You big ponce x :-)
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