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Lame Ass EH druid @ Silbury
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Re: Lame Ass EH druid @ Silbury
Aug 03, 2004, 16:59
ok, so I agree that some traffic may have been slowing down to see Terry in ceremony, but anyone whom has been to silbury as many times as I know we both have, traffic always slows down and weaves past Silbury because drivers are craning their necks to look at the hill - i doubt the majority of these drivers would have seen Terry and if so would have been looking at the hill, not the road anyway - perhaps they were also distracted by the small group at the road edge? Also, any person up the hill (which happens too frequently) may distract a driver (not just Terry).

Whilst I do not wish to get invloved in the ethics of hill climbing I can see both sides), to unfairly lambast one individual whom would certainly not cause intentional damage is unfair - if a ban is in place it should be that - properly enforced. You know as well as I do that hordes of people, including photographers* climb the hill - how and why?

* I certainly do not suggest that you have climbed the hill, as like I, would not climb the hill out of respect, especially if permission has been sought. Im sure you are also aware of the people, including photographers whom are given permission regularly. Will they not do more damage. I thought the majority damage had been caused by archeaologists?

Focssuing on Terrys 'style', I feel that this is not at the true centre of things, merely a 'vehicle', if people wnat to dispute the 'Druidic validity' of climbing, surely one should discuss this with the man himself. the reason is ceremonial, and if one feels that this doesnt hold water, discuss, people will listen (and we are aware of Prof. Huttons views on Lammas and Silbury, but isnt it all about interpretation?). If one feels that is merely 'EGO', then present ones ideas, bitching will get no-one anywhere, information / discussion will.

Yes, it is true flower-picking is illegal in SSI sites. However, what is in Terrys hand in your photo is corn and lammas biscuits. The corn was given by Tony Farthing, from past the Groves, and was given to him by the farmer. Im sure that you of all people dont need reminding about legalities of things in print.

My point in all this is that lots of people on this site do not go to Avebury ona regular basis, and certainly werent at the Lammas ceremonies. therefore people only have what they read to base arguments and thoughts. Presenting ill-based interpretations for perhaps unknown reasons only help to serve prejudice and ignorance further, which helps no-one, not you or our-selves any good whatsover.

We are all in the same cause no?

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