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older mums - just say no!
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The Eternal
926 posts

Re: older mums - just say no!
Oct 27, 2006, 23:45
Good point. Glad to have someone else on my side.
I had the snip a year or two ago, and we don't have kids. The pressure to have kids came from a few friends, plus my wife's mum, none of whom could understand why we didn't want to bring up kids in a world whose standards were sinking to gutter level. The main reason seemed to be "but everyone has kids". Not a very convincing argument in our book.
The media is largely to blame, as most people are led to believe that people who chose not to have kids are selfish, and almost freaks. We don't give a toss what the papers have to say. However, we do believe that the media are putting pressure on all relationships to produce children, hence the feverish demand for I.V.F. for the older couples. It's another sad reflection on modern society.
Todays society is easily led, as most people are easily led, and follow each other like sheep. For example, most people have a mobile phone, but we don't, and are looked at with incredulity when we tell people so. We don't need one, just like we didn't need one before they were invented. People follow each other like sheep - we're told everyone has a mobile, so the stupid all go out and increase their phone bills by 100%.
Never mind, cheer up, Jane.
Your moaning old sod,
The Eternal. (:^
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