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Conclusions...Stone circles, are we learning much?
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Re: [Off topic]
Nov 08, 2013, 18:12
tjj wrote:
Astralcat wrote:
tjj wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
There's a quantity of offensive, offended or banned ex TMA posters out there dating back some years, all claiming they were hard done by - but none of them able to cite specifics. In the recent instances if they can point to where they were treated badly on this thread I'll be happy to eat my laptop.

I hate to see you have to eat your laptop Nigel but the image made me smile. I can vouch for the fact that Astralcat is a very recent forum contributor and not connected in any way to past 'feuds'. I see him as someone who is on journey and travelling down roads that maybe those of us who are older have had a look at and turned back - I know I have been down the crystal/ alternative healing route before deciding ... perhaps not. I do still very much believe in the power of creative visualization which is not that far removed. If you asked me to demonstrate it I wouldn't be able to. I know nothing about dowsing and, given I've been a bit grumpy on this forum recently, decided to sit this one out. I still have an open mind on the subject, prepared to be persuaded at some point.

That's a kind post June, but as for age, I'm in my mid forties and have been on this road all my life, and always will be. I've studied and read widely, as well as my own personal experiments/practices etc, that's my evidence and compass, and there's a lot more mileage yet to come, hopefully! I don't think age is an issue at all. We're all on our own paths and that's cool. It's an amazing and endlessly fascinating universe whatever way we approach it, and we can never learn too much :-)

Hi Astralcat, I didn't mean to be patronising about 'age' - what I was trying to say is that it is quite easy to become cynical as you grow older (older than mid forties anyway). I do not disparage your beliefs in any way - just saying I have looked at life/beliefs from many different angles and personally have reached a place in my life where everything is questioned and nothing accepted on faith. I don't really like being there - life was much easier when I could believe in a 'greater power' that was going to make everything come good in the end. Perhaps I will again, who knows ...

I don't accept anything on faith, and as I get older myself I shiver more and get more depressed and struggle badly with what existence throws up. I have no time for fluffy new age crap interests, or Charlton Heston/Florence Nightingale in the sky. Never have.. but! I do believe in the efficacy of some rarely trod paths :-)
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