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When Silbury is tunnelled
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Re: Hang on Hang on !
Jun 01, 2005, 22:37
Hi, smallblueplanet,

In order to assuage my ignorance, enlighten me as to why we need to keep a tunnel at all, given that Skanska put seven bores into the hill from the summit and one of them removed material from the turf stack - material which has since been analysed and written up* for EH? How many times do we have to insert ourselves in this poor bloody hill before we get done by the EU for making Emmental in Wiltshire? Why can't we just leave it alone? Will the knowledge gained from keeping the tunnel open continue to broaden our understanding? (In marine science*, scientists can't have the luxury of tunnels, and seem to get on just fine without them).




Blimey! that's got to be a first for this site!
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