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Re: OMG!!
Oct 12, 2003, 15:46
The whole 'fuck me, he makes Hague look good thing' is raised by Grufty Jim in his excellent blog piece on the party conferences.


It's been Party Conference season here in the UK over the past few weeks. That's when the three large political parties each pitch tent in a seaside town for a few days, invite along some journalists, and pretend they're still in some way relevant to the rest of us.

The obvious irony being - of course - that there's no greater reminder of the anachronistic pointlessness of party politics than The Conference. Especially this year.

Because this year the upper echelons of both the tories and nuLabor spent far more time than usual telling outer party members just what an irritating irrelevance they are. The over-riding message of both party conferences was "We're not fookin' listening! So just sod off back to where you came from. No really! would you just shut up and leave me in peace while it's my turn at the trough".

Though in Tony Blair's case, he did point out that he would listen to us. He just wouldn't take a blind bit of notice of what we said. Well... the man does have manners.

The tory bloke... whatsisname...? Smith isn't it? He was a bit more blunt than Blair. He's not even going to listen to the dissenters. In fact, he's considering writing stern letters to them. P'raps he'll put them on double-secret probation.

Although from the tone of his Landmark Speech (tm) he may well decide to brick their windows instead.

What a message to the rest of the population, eh?

"Hey look! We're not even listening to our own party! You know those people so dedicated to us that they'll spend a week of their holidays on us...? Yeah them... we're telling them to put up or shut up. We're telling them that they can vote against us all they like, but we ain't reversing. We're telling them that their opinions have become a bloody nuisance. So really. How relevant do you think the rest of you are...?"

The entire arena of party politics has become a public relations campaign for free market capitalism. And the decision that we witnessed over the past few weeks, to overtly ignore grass roots dissent, was evidence of that writ large.


Full thing at http://www.cloud23.net/index.cfm?action=blog.81
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