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1576 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 19:44
KISS "were" fucking great!

Certainly captured my imagination as a kid!

Although i was already listening to Bowie/Zeppelin/Bolan...etc by this stage, Kiss took me to another dimension and this, in my eyes is a good thing!

I was introduced to em, courtesy of big bruv, circa 75/76, and this is pre merchandise machine, and $immons up his own brown eye!

Some of the songs on those first 8 albums are fantastic, and although the image, initially captured my imagination, it soon took a back seat to the great songs they knocked out!

If i had listened to other folk, then i would have missed out on something very special, FACT!

Go on!

Hold yer noses and jump in!

You might enjoy yourselves!

Shudder the thought!
keith a
9596 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 19:53
As someone who bought Sleeping Gas in 1979, I feel as if a tiny part of me dies every time Julian promotes bollocks like this.

Feel free to contact me off-list to find out which parts...
The Seth Man
1251 posts

Kinda Kiss Krossword Kontroversy (for the real Kopfs)
Apr 01, 2009, 19:56

What's a seven letter word, going across, for "One Who Rocks"?
(A: 'Mrs Ahab')

Dorian a bad influence on Julian? Crikey

Now don't get personal. This is/should be about Rock'n'Roll and not taking reviewers wives' to task for the vastly overrated crime of influencing someone to (gasp)...love Kiss.

Three women I've been with in the past were far "better" influences. Like turning me onto coffee, cigarettes and champagne in quantities to shame most duty free airport shoppes (Among other things best left unsaid.)

But if I had a real muse such as Dorian? I'd be far more productive and a lot more well-rounded. (I'd still be a Class A fuck up, mind.)

Put it this way: owning "Music From The Elder" would be a very, very small price to pay. Luckily, Kiss do have several great moments in Rock, so...so what?!

I never rated Kiss all that much, but it kicked in a coupla years ago when I saw the first "Kissology" DVD set. I mean, "Acrobat"? WHAT the fuck is this slop and WHY am I laughing so hard? It was about as stupid as the fucking Ramones, first time I heard 'em in 1978. And Ace is a killer guitarist, a brain donated Germanic wiseass supreme to dwarf even myself in the Till Eulenspiegel stakes.

("Dear Diary: The world's been on the edge of economic ruin for months now and I'm busy debating Kiss (not one of my faves) on an online forum. What the fuck: I hate the fucking intertubes. Maybe I will take that free scholarship to the Harvard Business School I got in the mail last week. Oh, wait: I can't. I need to listen to that new "Paranoid" 3CD set. Oh, well: no more blue tomorrows, right? OMG LOL -Love, The Seth Man")

"Krossword" is one kick ass compilation and the cover's about as gimmicky as the band itself. Give it a listen, instead of reacting so lazily. It just might Rock your world.

And if it doesn't, so what? it'll just have to Rock someone else's. (As usual.)

np: "Bloodrocksampler" (both tracks)
1956 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 20:45
Ha ha! nice one!
1576 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 20:46
To correct Mr Cope as well, SHE is from Dressed To Kill and not Hotter Than Hell!

I too would have taken a couple out and incluced "Strangeways".
Just listen to that Ace Frehley guitar solo.
Screaming and crying all the way from planet Jendel!
"Almost Human" from Love Gun.
A pulsating Metal, Funkathon, that Clinton/Collins would be proud of!
1576 posts

Re: Kinda Kiss Krossword Kontroversy (for the real Kopfs)
Apr 01, 2009, 20:50

What he just said!
1956 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 20:50
Well, here goes....Im gonna give it a blast while im cooking me tea......pray for me wontcha!!! Weeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Sounds like rawk an roll!!!
Kid Calamity
9058 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 21:36
I think... me being me; a big Bolan and Alice Cooper fan from the beginning of the 70s, seeing KISS appear and instantly go massive in '74, while my own heroes were creatively at odds and getting drunk and sloppy, made me feel somehow a little cheated.

Here, after all was the T.REX / Coop template was being recycled (and amplified tenfold) and resold to greater reward to an audience who had been merely primed before.

Had KISS somehow developed the idea from scratch first - then the world wouldn't have been ready for them, instead. However, the industry was now ready for bright, brash and camp. They were given bigger budgets (as well as the best session musicians money could buy). They weren't innovators, of course. Corporate Rock is the antithesis of innovation. Merely cartoon characatures, repackaged for spoiled Disney kids, IMO. There was a whole big-bucks industry behind the brand, so continued productivity was essential. More recorded output and even bigger high budget flash tours were demanded by share holders and public alike to further realise those cashflow forecasts. Sorry, getting carried away, now.

No, I'm not a KISS fan, as you can see. But then I realise there is a lot of prejudice, on my part, blocking my ears.

I did like early Van Halen and a whole lot of similar genre metal before the likes of Skid Row and Bon Jovi finally buried it, though.
keith a
9596 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 21:37
If you're not back in 30 mins, I'll send for help!
1576 posts

Apr 01, 2009, 21:55

KISS didn't go massive until 76/77 Kid.
A good 4 years after they had started out, and if you read any of the books that are on the market then you will quickly realise that it was'nt such an easy ride to the top!

Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons have both said that SLADE were the blueprint for KISS, and they would go see them live as often as possible!
Stompalong Rock "N" Roll anthems, with big choruses were the order of the day and they took what SLADE were doing and Americanized it!

They have some great songs in their cannon, just give em a listen!
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