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Billy Milk
Billy Milk
2045 posts

bush family's nazi past
Sep 07, 2004, 11:17
9547 posts

Re: terror breeds terror
Sep 07, 2004, 15:29
Isn't 'progress' great? And scientists have developed tastier shrimp! (Wow! The world is just randy isn't it?)
9547 posts

Re: bush family's nazi past
Sep 07, 2004, 15:31
Oh, it's 'lies', isn't it? 'Paranoia'...
Lord Lucan
Lord Lucan
2702 posts

Re: terror breeds terror
Sep 07, 2004, 15:55
Thing is, I suspect Bush isn't actually the real threat. Someone that thick has basically been put there by other people, who are pulling the strings, and advising him to 'delegate' responsibility to themselves, ie: giving them carte blanche to do what the hell they want to. The scary ones are those with a modicum of intelligencce who have sold their souls and are smiling psychos hell-bent on lining their own pockets, whatever the consequences for others or the future. It's these 'advisors' who are in control. And having a thick puppet makes them feel safer and more superior. They're hiding behind him.
9547 posts

Re: terror breeds terror
Sep 07, 2004, 15:59
I just hate him.
Lord Lucan
Lord Lucan
2702 posts

Re: drudion
Sep 07, 2004, 16:14
The thing I really can't understand is something touched on in Cope's drudion, namely how anyone with any religious conviction, particularly someone who purports to be pious can follow the teachings of any of the mainstream religions and believe that terrorising, raping (there are emerging reports this hapened in the school) and murdering children can in any way be squared with the teachings of their holy books. Do they honestly believe Mohammed whould have approved and that Allah is smiling down on their actions? I just don't understand it.

And that cleric in Britain that someone quoted as saying the terrorists did not kill any children, as this is forbidden is blinkered beyond belief. How does he know what happened? He wasn't there. There are reliable reports that the terrorists were shooting at kids that escaped. Why did they string landmines over the heads of the children if they had no intention of harming them? I just fail to comprehend how a muslim cleric would not condemn outright these actions.
2148 posts

Re: drudion
Sep 07, 2004, 17:40
"Do they honestly believe Mohammed whould have approved and that Allah is smiling down on their actions? " - I'd guess it's about as much as the Christians in the White House thought God smiled down on them bombing schools in Basra or that mental hospital in Grenada. If we'd had cameras and recording equipment there, we'd remember that with just as much horror.

Unfortunately, the governments are better at PR and media manipulation than the non-governmental terrorists, so we think of 9/11 and the events in Russia as far worse, whereas they're similar to what has been done in our name thousands of times over by the terrorists and war criminals we elect as leaders..

Puts me in mind of a couple of things that bear repeated attention;

The Onion's main story after 9/11, 'God Angrily Clarifies "Don't Kill" Rule', online here (The Onion now charge for their archive):


'Who Would Jesus Bomb?' by David Rovics

I've seen you in the markets
I've seen you in the streets
And at your political convention
Talking of your crusade
Talking of your nation
And other things too terrible to mention
And you proclaim your Christianity
You proclaim your love of God
You talk of apple pie and mom
Well I've just got one question
And I want an answer
Tell me, who would Jesus bomb?

Maybe Jesus would bomb the Syrians
'Cause they're not Jews like him
Maybe Jesus would bomb the Afghans
On some kind of vengeful whim
Maybe Jesus would drive an M1 tank
And he would shoot Saddam
Tell me, who would Jesus bomb?

I've seen you on the TV
And on the battleships
I've seen you in the house upon the hill
And I've heard you talking
About making the world safer
And about all the men you have to kill
And you speak so glibly
About your civilization
And how you have the moral higher ground
While halfway around the world
Your explosives smash the buildings
Ah, if you could only hear the sound

But maybe Jesus would sell land mines
And turn on his electric chair
Maybe Jesus would show no compassion
For his enemies in the lands way over there
Maybe Jesus would have flown the planes
That killed the kids in Viet Nam
Tell me, who would Jesus bomb

Yes I hear you shout with confidence
As you praise the lord
And you talk about this God you know so well
And you talk of Armageddon
And your final victory
When all the evil forces go to hell
Well you'd best hope you've chosen wisely
On the right side of the lord
And when you die your conscience it is clear
You'd best hope that your atom bombs
Are better than the sword
At the time when your reckoning is here

'Cause I don't think Jesus would send gunships into Bethlehem
Or jets to raze the towns of Timorese
I don't think Jesus would lend money to dictators
Or drive those SUV's
And I don't think Jesus would ever have dropped
A single ounce of napalm
So tell me, who would Jesus bomb?


MP3 available at
Popel Vooje
5374 posts

Re: drudion
Sep 07, 2004, 17:49
I agree completely re. the transparent hypocrisy of preaching love and tolerance and then pulling off a coup like this. However, surely Vladimir Putin bears some of the moral responsibility as well? His relentlessly hardline, intolerant approach to the issue of Chechen independence - similar to the attitude of successive British governments towards the IRA throughout the post-War era - has has created a climate where an incident of this sort was almost inevitable, and someone in his position should bloody well have seen it coming a mile off if you ask me.

If he had any moral fibre at all, he'd stand down over this. However, he quite clearly doesn't, otherwise he wouldn't be in the position he's in in the first place. Watching his half-assed, insincere apology to the Russian people made me feel almost as angry as footage of the seige itself, to be honest.
254 posts

Re: drudion
Sep 08, 2004, 08:27
This thread makes for an interesting read with educated and articulate views. However one thing just struck me as I went through it and thats how quickly atrocity turns into a blame game (and PV I'm not disputing for a minute your opinion that some moral blame lies with Putin etc) and suddenly half the world is embroiled in a school in Russia.

That great piece from the Onion said it all really. Its wrong, period. They're all wrong. Shades and nuances of wrongness can be debated till the cows come home but are largely academic (IMHO).

That video footage shown last night is the most dispairing thing I'll ever see.

All wrong, wrong, wrong.
Popel Vooje
5374 posts

Re: drudion
Sep 08, 2004, 08:43
Fair enough, no one's innocent in a game like this and approtioning blame is bugger all use to the poor sods on the sharp end. The whole thing is just a mess.
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