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When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
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Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 09, 2010, 22:19
1997. Co-worker and I bonded over music, he lent me a cassette of Peggy Suicide and Jehovahkill. I soon found my own copies and the next three albums. I remember checking out the HH website around '98 or so, but it wasn't until 2001 that I started to visit more frequently, and ordered a bunch of stuff from the merchandiser. The last album that was available domestically (Canada) was Interpreter, so I had some catching up to do. I still don't own anything earlier than Peggy.
Hunter T Wolfe
Hunter T Wolfe
1720 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 09, 2010, 22:58
thesweetcheat wrote:
"WSYM" on the radio, for some reason always linked in my mind with The The's "Heartland", must have been on the radio at the same time.

Ah man, I got a Proustian rush of 1986 just reading that sentence! Yeah, same here; I was into him before I knew I was into him, if that makes sense. I remember Teardrop Explodes being around when I was at junior school, but then I rediscovered Cope hearing WSYM for the first time on Janice Long- she really bigged it up as the return of this lost Liverpool legend, but I wasn't that impressed till I saw our man on TOTP- even then I didn't pick it up till it was reduced to 49p in the Woolworths bargain bins!

But you know what, during that period I enjoyed reading the interviews with him in the music press more than his actual music. I used to cut out these crazy, enthusiastic, psychedelic interviews from Sounds, MM, NME and they were really inspiring.

I really liked Charlotte Anne when that came out; and then that infamous Star Test interview! Perhaps bizarrely, the first JC albums I bought were Skellington and Droolian- I found them both in the racks of Psychotronic Video in Camden, during my first term at college in London. Then I bought Fried on Camden Market- the guy who sold it me said, 'you know, this is going to be the start of something big for you.' Seriously.

That was the start. It was also when I first took mushrooms, and then acid: late 89, through the summer of 1990, listening to Fried, Skellington, Droolian and the two Teardrops albums. Oh yeah, and being on the Poll Tax Riots stood right next to Sqwubbsy the whole time, cos it seemed the safest place to be, and then finding out the next week it was Copey underneath (and C4 news soundtracking their coverage with 'and the fighting takes over').

Then Peggy Suicide came out the following year, and I saw the drude live for the first time. Never looked back.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7728 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 09, 2010, 23:16
3886 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 09, 2010, 23:24
You must catch some (if not all) stuff Julian made before Peggy!!! YOU MUST!
Shelby Mustang
Shelby Mustang
605 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 09, 2010, 23:59
The Sunspots EP as two singles. mid eighties???

World Shut Your Mouth being played constantly in my mates motor one summer possibly that summer.

The Modern Antiquarian.

Write On.

Interpreter.(spacerock, battle for the trees... fuckin' awesome)

20 Mothers (Copes little girl on the back cover looks just like my little girl scarlett did when she was that age. That album was my saviour throughout the hardest time of my life. it'll always be in our house.)

Rite 2

and everything since.

Bev getting his live performance a few years back in Reading so much that she got louder and louder and some bloke told her to keep it down but there was just no holding her... He left... i've always felt bad for that but i've figured out for myself that he probably wasn't on it and would've left regardless of bev living in the moment.

and you know what? her being blown away by that gig alongside me kinda felt full circle back to happiness from those fucking near suicidal nights of despair in a sleeping bag in a rented room with nothing to look forward to but marriage guidance. shit Carlos sorry for putting a heavy slant on the proceedings. xxx

alltheblowingthemselvesupmotherfuckerswillrealisetheminutetheydiethattheyweresuckers !!!!!!!!
3886 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 10, 2010, 00:47
Be my guest, dude! ;-)
680 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 10, 2010, 10:32
The grubby and gory tale
3886 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 10, 2010, 12:06
Good stuff, dude!
606 posts

Edited Jul 10, 2010, 12:56
Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 10, 2010, 12:50
What a nice thread Carlos! One everyone can get into!

So for me...'Kilimanjaro' on continuous play in student house 1987

Also taped WSYM lp given me by then girlfriend but as the rest of her donations were, I thought, crap it didnt get listened to properly for years.

1988 my mate Steve bought 'My Nation Underground' and we listened together and I thought errr umm yeah.....right. Inherited the copy when he died but cos of my reservations about it didnt buy 'Peggy Suicide' for ages- remember looking at it in Ourprice Records and thinking errr umm yeah... etc.

My other mate Nige finally ended this little uncertainty when he blew me away with his copy. Round this time redisovered the WSYM tape but then Nige died (he and Steve alike suffered from Muscular Dystrophy) and then there was absolutely no hesitation in buying 'Jehovahkill' on vinyl when it came out and I've remained Blown Away by Copey and the memory of my dear mates ever since. xxxxxxx
1628 posts

Re: When did you get in touch with Julian Cope music?
Jul 10, 2010, 13:54
Heard the 'Bouncing Babies' single on Peel upon it's original release and went out & bought it the very next day from Magpie records in Worcester (another great record store we have lost). Got to see 'em some months later at Brum Odeon on the Kilimanjaro tour (I believe it was rescheduled from it's original date at the much smaller Cedar Club).

Met JC for the first time when I was working at Virgin marketing HQ...he came into the office to do the promo nonsense for '20 Mothers'. Strange to see him in my regular working envirinment. Then sat next to him on the tube later the same day...
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