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144 posts

Re: You know, for anti-war dudes...
Apr 04, 2003, 15:26
The Mosque in Regent's Park rocks big time.
1527 posts

Re: *)% dependent on aid
Apr 04, 2003, 15:26
so, is that trusted in the way the US can be "trusted"?

Noam Chomsky pointed out that a country that had been starved for so long as Iraq is hardly in a condition to rise up and rebel

a mate of mine was working out there not long ago (and I mean, not long ago) - he said:

"Iraq is a country crippled by 12 years of western imposed sanctions. Everything is 'old'. Iraq is a broken country, it's people are fed-up with war. No-one feels that Iraq possesses banned weapons. But even if it does, most here can't understand why America plans to invade Iraq but not Israel or Korea, both of whom have nuclear weapons. "

you don't need to follow the bugle ... we've been lied to left, right and centre. Whether it's WMD or who bombed the market (it *was* a US missile), we're been kept in a state of ignorance and fear

break free, jazz ... run, run !!


10943 posts

Re: sorry, you're loosing me
Apr 04, 2003, 15:27
"If you want to influence your MP get off this board and start lobbying him/her "

Do you not consider one million people on the streets of London not lobbying your MP?

Support for the war is below 50% in the UK now.
10943 posts

Re: *)% dependent on aid
Apr 04, 2003, 15:28
I like Hans Blix more and more. Today he said that the US did not want to follow a bilateral path with North Korea and aded that this was "a bit ironic"
1527 posts

Re: You know, for anti-war dudes...
Apr 04, 2003, 15:39
haven't been to that one yet. Have you read "Great Apes" by Will Self, where the main character flips into a parallel world where chimps are the "dominant" species, not homo sapiens?

Everything is the same, except 3/4 the size, and with a lot more mating. There's a Regent's Park mosque, with frantically mating female chimps wearing headscarves ...


13 posts

Re: *)% dependent on aid
Apr 04, 2003, 15:47
"Noam Chomsky pointed out that a country that had been starved for so long as Iraq is hardly in a condition to rise up and rebel"

How then are the people of Iraq ever to rid themselves of Saddam if not with external assistance? We do agree Saddam must go I take it?

Re. Afgahnsitan - at least the people of Afhanistan can hum a tune in public without fear of arrest by the Taliban now. I cited Afghanistan not as a US success story but as an example of the fact that modern history suggests that brutal dictatorships are self perpetuating until such time as they are forced out.
13 posts

Re: *)% dependent on aid
Apr 04, 2003, 15:50
Enjoyed the chat, gotta go.

Break free - run, run....

Ha ha - good 'un
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: sorry, you're loosing me
Apr 04, 2003, 16:05
“My point is this, if you accept that there is a point at which there is a need to disarm/depose a dictator or regime then you must be prepared to use military force”

Since when has it been proven? And what is the supposed evidence, it’s been reports and reports written by university students. That shoulda turned into a scandal as I thought but it didn’t and it wasn’t talked about later. Instead, the fiasco at the ‘evidence report meeting’ at the UN was swept under the carpet. There is simply no convincing evidence of the current state of affairs. That it happened to the Kurds does not mean he still has it or is ready to use it. He may well do but that’s not for you or me to judge, isn’t that what the UN was trying to do there, before Rumsfeld decided there was no time before the summer set in?

The US has NOT convinced the world that Saddam has any number of weapons of mass destruction. If at all, the world is now convinced the world that the US has and is willing to use them (i.e. cluster bombs) even in residential areas. We are dealing with serious illegal stuff here. We judge other countries but are not prepared to be judged. Censorship, artists banned and records are being destroyed in the US and yet, this is not considered ‘dictatorship’.

”Wrong, western parliamenatry democracy does not work in this way. If you want to influence your MP get off this board and start lobbying him/her - they may take some notice assuming you're old enough to vote. “

We’re on it, mate. Some of the MPs have already been resigning. If Blair had listened to the people then he might have turned into a more popular character. But I’ll stick to this board. Maybe I’ll make you change your mind at the end of the day.

And draw which line? Surveys before the war showed mass opposition to the war.

I am unconvinced by your arguments. You say you are against this war and then you say you justify it in the case of Saddam. Yet you or the US have no evidence.

Oh and, what’s wrong with a Queen? Are they also a threat in your opinion?
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: language, language
Apr 04, 2003, 16:06
12 years since a student and still pumping out 6th form common room rhetoric - right on.

that's precisely what Dubya's rhetoric sounds like. And millions are ready to believe it.
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: *)% dependent on aid
Apr 04, 2003, 16:07
ha ha
yeah, have fun, I see how much of a laughing matter war is for you
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