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1080 posts

Edited Aug 25, 2016, 14:48
Re: Bravo Owen Smith
Aug 25, 2016, 14:45
Ballot papers are for practical reasons fairly straightforward.
A binary yes/no or as was last time leave/remain.
Or a choice of candidates where you put an X.
Is Smith suggesting some four paragraphed description of what the new EU deal is?
How would that work?
There will be a general election, by that point the EU negotiations will have moved on somewhat.
We certainly will have our choice of government but we cannot have a choice where, after those negotiations (like I say, they travel both way) could be 'trashed'.
I don't know what Smith is saying tbh.
Well I do.
He doesn't like the outcome so wants to overturn it.
As it is Smith is just a stooge.
If he got the gig (which seems unlikely) he'll be happy to step aside and allow Hillary Benn or any of them to step in.
6664 posts

Re: Brexit fun
Aug 25, 2016, 15:14
I was thinking when the BBC was prioritising his new soundbite yesterday instead of Corbyn's NHS policy that he was talking about a new version of the same thing yesterday. As in he was going to prevent Teresa May from triggering Article 50 instead of holding a new referendum. Either way it was a very much IF he got in.

Hoping that is very far from happening.
I thought most people had realised it was unlikely anyway but he's still coming out with new attempts at spin.

& now New labour has a whole month to come up with new ways of smearing Corbyn. Do wonder what the next one will be.
Can't try trains again, hopefully that has brought focus to things he wanted to highlight anyway. While still remaining a non-story.

Actually did semi wonder how far the press were going to pursue that story. If they might find out who took the upgrade to first class he turned down and find some way that it was all his fault.

But even the name traingate seems really cliched don't it?
6218 posts

Re: Bravo Owen Smith
Aug 25, 2016, 15:15
As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the referendum was advisory and non-binding. Parliament is sovereign in UK democracy.

Parliament now needs to decide whether to implement the outcome of the referendum or not. Nothing can happen before then.
6218 posts

Re: Bravo Owen Smith
Aug 25, 2016, 15:20
Smith should have Farage on his side in his campaign for a second referendum in the event of a close result:


Admittedly when NF thought the outcome would be "remain" :)
6218 posts

Re: Brexit fun
Aug 25, 2016, 15:25
I doubt she can put the discussion/debate off. Once the recess is over it will be the primary topic of business I imagine.

I think those who are saying that there hasn't been a disastrous outcome so far are being a little premature. Parliament is in recess, we haven't left yet, the government hasn't even started to look at what the UK's bargaining position will be in detail yet.

No other countries will even start to engage properly with us on trade deals until the terms of the exit deal are decided. Even then they may not start to really negotiate until the UK is no longer a member state (as until then we're tied to the EU's own negotiated trade deals anyway).
Toni Torino
2299 posts

Re: Bravo Owen Smith
Aug 25, 2016, 16:17
IanB wrote:
EDIT - actuully, why bother?

Haha, I read all that!
8112 posts

Re: Brexit fun
Aug 25, 2016, 19:08
I think this is fundamental, and unlike the FTSE won't mend itself anytime soon:

"In essence, the currency markets are saying that all UK assets are worth less than they used to be. Land, property, companies, bank deposits, government debt — everything in the UK has been marked down against the rest of the world." https://www.ft.com/content/fdd5a8ca-691c-11e6-a0b1-d87a9fea034f

When that hits pockets a lot of opinions are bound to shift.
8112 posts

Re: Brexit fun
Aug 26, 2016, 08:12
And a lot of bus lovers may feel a tad disappointed by this ....
Howburn Digger
Howburn Digger
986 posts

Aug 30, 2016, 23:23
Markoid wrote:
Howburn Digger wrote:
Captain Starlet wrote:
Seriously, you have nothing and know nothing! Being afraid to accept facts doesn't make you intelligent it puts you in denial. Your stupidity has literally ruined other people's lives, what a shame you're too stupid to realise the consequences of your actions!

Absolutely! Look what they did to Greece! If people can accept what happened to Greece as "Normal Economics Within The EU" and yet cannot see what the consequences are, then they are to stupid to see what will happen to them next. They have "literally" ruined the lives of Millions of Greeks who did nothing wrong. Their lives are ruined for decades to come. Plus their children's lives... because of Euro-Ram-Raid Economics based on a fraudulent Fiat Currency invented by Germany.

Thank goodness the Majority of British Voters saw the facts and used their Intelligence.

What happened to the Greek economic system had little to do with the EU. It was fucked in the first place. There is such a thing as autonomy within a club of sorts. Infact, initially it was the EU who tried to help Greece, albeit with a bit of a ransom note.

And there is no such thing as a flat currency. Macro and micro economics are a given fact. You may be be referring to The Euro, which is as stable as a one legged man/woman riding a bicycle backwards. But the stability of The Drachma was even worse.

"There is no such thing as a fiat currency" Oh my.
What happened to Greece had everything to do with the EU. The massive interest (unpayable) which was levied by the European Bank to prop up the unprop-upable Euro-loans (check out what the loans were for and if the projects were ever delivered) was used as leverage to asset strip a country, its pension schemes, even its buildings, airports and public utilities. It was a Euro-enabled and EU organised ram-raid on a sovereign state.
Germany still hasn't paid Greece its war reparations yet for WW2. That might be a start.

Captain Starlet wrote:
We're not bloody Greece! That's a wholly separate situation

No we're not Greece. You have been able to see that. That is a start.
254 posts

Aug 31, 2016, 10:04
Remember Captain, Brexiteers don't really rate 'expert advice'......
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