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853 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 11:57
Nah you wont, cos I'll be clone because of that Greg Palast book I'm buying next week : )
269 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 13:22
>>By accepting the ID cards you are acknowleging allegiance to a government that has so far demonstrated contempt and no honour unto it's people

Hear hear!
jason lives
jason lives
177 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 13:52
I've heard a lot of people just saying they don't want one, but no specific reasons. I really can't see the problem with them.

Are you not just making a big deal about nothing?

Oh, if your answer includes conspiracy theories, big bad government wanting to watch you (I mean, c'mon what do you do that is that interesting?) and the like, please don't respond. Your mad and need locking up.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7718 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 14:00
The most cctv'd nation in Europe. Phone taps, e-mail taps. Internment. Illegal wars. Subsidising environmentally damaging projects in the third world. Selling weapons to despotic nations.

These are not the actions of a good government and not one that I trust to have a database containing everything about me down to my dna.

I know who I am. There are umpteen ways to identify that. ID cards won't stop terrorism, won't stop crime and won't stop fraud.

The government is desperate to force these cards on us and if nothing else, THAT is reason enough to oppose them.
Father Sky
Father Sky
323 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 14:07
I don't think they're a good idea because they will cost a LOT of money, money which could be much better spent, and not deliver much (if any) benefit. See my earlier post. They will be a waste of resources. We already have passports (which will soon be biowhatsitized), driving licenses etc, why do we need another form of id?
jason lives
jason lives
177 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 14:46
"The most cctv'd nation in Europe. Phone taps, e-mail taps. Internment. Illegal wars. Subsidising environmentally damaging projects in the third world. Selling weapons to despotic nations."

The most cctv'd nation in eutope? so what, If i was mugged, or attacked, or in any way a victim of crime I'd be delighted that there was cctv footage to help convict the bastards. As for the rest, important but not relevant to id cards.

"These are not the actions of a good government and not one that I trust to have a database containing everything about me down to my dna."

Why? what do you do that's so interesting to them?

"I know who I am. There are umpteen ways to identify that. ID cards won't stop terrorism, won't stop crime and won't stop fraud."

They may help to stop fraud, and they may help to stop terrorism, they certainly won't make it any worse.

!"The government is desperate to force these cards on us and if nothing else, THAT is reason enough to oppose them."

And what if the government was desperate to force a better health service, or a ban on hunting, or deseperate to de criminalise certain low grade drugs. would we wnat to stop that just becuase a government is keen to get it through? I can't see that a government wanting it makes it bad.
Father Sky
Father Sky
323 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 15:11
"I've heard a lot of people just saying they don't want one, but no specific reasons. I really can't see the problem with them."

I really can't see the problem with the Government buying us all a copy of Cope's latest album, however I don't think it would be justified in terms of cost! Same for id cards. I don't understand how they will prevent terrorism, stop id fraud, halt illegal working, etc.
jason lives
jason lives
177 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 15:20
People don't seem to be only moaning about the cost though, (although, as I said before, if it was paid for through tax than the better off parts of society could help pay for the less well off). I don't see it as an issue to get so worked up about.
853 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 15:23
Mad and need locking up? That's a bit of an extreme statement to make based on what I wrote.

You wouldn't happen to be a green chap who lives under a bridge in Norway by any chance?
360 posts

Re: ID cards
Feb 15, 2006, 15:28
i wonder if you read the daily mail jason lives?
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