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Wind Farm to be placed at 'Ancient' Site
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grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Half of Europe?
Jun 06, 2003, 16:43
I've tried to confirm that stat. It seems to be 'just pulled out of the air' (excuse the pun) though. I suspect it's a long way from the truth, but wind power is - without question - the best option for localised power generation in Northern Europe.

I accept what Kammer says about a lack of research into wave / tidal energy. However, i think you're dreaming if you imagine that much investment has been pumped into *any* alternative energy source of late (with the exception of nuclear fission, if you consider that 'alternative'). The reason wind power is surging ahead is not because "people have chosen to invest more", but rather because the ERoEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) is demonstrably higher with wind turbines than with any currently understand tidal or wave technology.

And ERoEI *has* to be the criterion upon which we judge the success of any alternative energy source. Everything else is just pissing in the wind (sorry, couldn't resist that second pun).

So yeah, here's the solution to Northern Europe's energy problems... ready?

Every village takes charge of it's own power generation. Government grants are provided; both for the building of the wind farm and the training of local people in running, maintaining and repairing the equipment using locally available resources.

The major cities remain on a national grid, burning Natural Gas for an interim period. However, the local windfarms (owned by the village / town which runs it) can expand if they wish and sell power into the national grid; eating into the fossil energy percentage. The incentive to expand alternative energy systems - when given to small groups of local technicians - will be higher than when given to a bunch of 'shareholders' (in my opinion), and we can begin the transition away from fossil fuels.

(and Kammer, i don't discount wave / tidal completely... but i do believe that this issue is a lot more urgent than most people are willing to accept; and the ERoEI of wind is enough *right now* to begin a transition. The sea doesn't offer us that yet... and having listened to one too many "fusion evangelists", i've decided that we need to be looking at solutions provided by _current_ technology).

Tune in next week for my "How To" Guide on how to transition away from a car-culture.

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