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antiquarianism vs archaeology
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Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Treading your path.
Oct 27, 2002, 14:12
Yayy we are all getting there in our own merry ways!
I mean I still dunno whether I feel comfortable labelling myself as a 'pagan' 'cos of all the baggage that term seems to have accumulated over recent years. Y' know do I have item No. 3 on the pagan checklist of things as stated in Pagan Dawn magazine. (BTW that's a bit of a po-faced mag sometimes if you've ever seen it. Loads of "non more pagan than I" type stuff. Bah!)
However what I do know is that my personal interest in 'paganism' 'Wicca' and whathaveyou stems entirely from certain leanings I had way back in my childhood, decades before I had any inkling as to what a pagan or wiccan was/is. Its just relatively recently I've had a name to stick to some of these feelings. Not that that should be entirely necessay I s'pose.
That is to say, though I find some books and stuff interesting and illuminating, entertaining and sometimes just plain fun to read (these things should be enjoyable after all! Ballz to all this hair-shirt approach to faith), looking back I can see many things I did and experienced as a child seemed to be driving me in a 'pagan' direction completely regardless of any relgious construct or conscious act. It even transpired that I had been accumulating some artifacts of pagan/witch craft culture as I was going along, completely irrespective of what they were supposed to 'mean'; I was literally just drawn to certain things. Amongst those things were also stone circles and sacred spaces Also that need just to disappear into the countryside for no reasons other than the need itself.
And surely that sense of being drawn is perhaps the purest expression of one's spiritual leanings. No guide book or sacred scrolls and so on required so to speak.
So still unsure of whether I come up to scratch as a 'pagan' by a textbook definition (probably not), but certainly enjoying just treading a path that's leading in a certain direction and it sound like you are well down a path yourself!
Cool chats anyhoo.
111 posts

Re: Treading your path.
Oct 27, 2002, 21:15
''And surely that sense of being drawn is perhaps the purest expression of one's spiritual leanings. No guide book or sacred scrolls and so on required so to speak.''
couldn't agree with you more!
i also knew of all this before i could put a label onto it and so once the words 'pagan' came up it fitted and made so much sense, since as you say colecting stuff and knowledge along the way, researching other ways of being and it never quite fitting, staring at the moon in wonder in the garden from an early age, and escaping to the stones and the countryside for no reason other than i have to! ( so weird reading your post i was nodding my head and thinking this is spooky!!)and as you say it all fits somehow. i am against 'labelling' really and so since finding a word that fitted i loathe to get rid of it, even though it has certian connotations and labels within it that i don't agree with. as you say who fits with those rules in pagan dawn,??? i always feel so 'stupid' when reading alot of pagan literature as it is full of pompous writing and big words to make the writer feel more important in the pagan ways than i fear he / she actualy is! and have attended workshops and conferences wher ei have wanted to laugh out loud at the stupidity and sheer boredom of some of the egotistical people spouting stuff, there seems to be a trend to disown everything fluffy pagan, and start being 'controversial' when in fact they are all being the same sheep, following and not thinking, not feeling,
i guess that i know i am 'pagan' when i speak from the heart to those that ask, and when i am truly honest with myself as well. i guess thats all i can do !
hmmm all this thinking has been very illuminating for me, especially when i needed it (still fancy that vodka and coke at the bar where i can lurk!!!)
love on ya! and thanks
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: antiquarianism vs archaeology
Oct 28, 2002, 09:01
don't get me wrong Maria, but you're not just trying to wind up 4Ws are you?!
125 posts

Re: Old Mother Earth
Oct 28, 2002, 09:51
Did she take a breath through that??!??
111 posts

Re: Old Mother Earth
Oct 28, 2002, 18:44
nope! see i can get manic sometimes!
for gods sake sit down at the bar with me and get me a double vodka!! all this yakking and no booze
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Deep breath
Oct 28, 2002, 20:09
uh...do you mean Pixie or me? 'Cos this she's a he if you meant me!

I'll have a beer please.
111 posts

Re: Deep breath
Oct 28, 2002, 21:19
and this she's a she if you meant me!
half or pint moonie??
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Deep beer
Oct 28, 2002, 22:49
Pint please. a Half's for girls...although that issue seems somewhat clouded at the moment ;-) x
10943 posts

Oct 29, 2002, 09:15
>> a high priestess of the 7th sign twice
>> removed ancient shaman

I'm one of them!
10943 posts

Re: Treading your path.
Oct 29, 2002, 09:21
>> Its just relatively recently I've had a name
>> to stick to some of these feelings. Not that
>> that should be entirely necessay I s'pose.

Indeed it should not. May I make so bold as to say that you were practically forced to adopt said names in order to describe and relate these things to others that don't understand? Are they simply the nearest term you have encountered?

I myself have always been incredibly methodical and calculating. I find it hard to come over all 'Celtic' and poetic and incredibly easy to to be dynamically organised (that's knowing which pile of crap something is in rather than which drawer it is in!) and that is the way I visit sites (wearing my 'Facilitators' cap and discussed elsewhere).

It is this trait that either 'stops' me seeing or makes me see the truth re gods and religion. It could be either one of the two, but I, for now at least, stick to my sceptical viewpoint.
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