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Stone Circle between Avebury and Marlborough
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Re: Stone Circle between Avebury and Marlborough
Mar 05, 2013, 20:15
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
by saying that everything people feel at these places is just in their heads,

I don't think he said/meant that Paul, maybe a misinterpretation ?

Either way, maybe just agree to disagree ?

I've never agreed with him ever, so we always have to agree to disagree but i don't think you can misunderstand - " I have a suspicion that there is a genuine placebo effect at work at many circles whether old or modern, arising from a pleasing proportionality", if he doesn't feel anything, how can anyone else? it's just silly, he's saying the feeling you sometimes get at circles is just because the stones are in a pleasing shape, that's more in your gardening world geoff than anything to do with the position of stone circles that mark real circles in the landscape, at stone circles the land gives the impression of spiraling into the circle and the circle is always just off center, the position is already in the landscape, he seems to be saying that they're just a pleasing on the eye circle of stones, thats it, i'm just wondering what interests him then, as there's no mystery to him at all, I for one "feel" all the ritual that went on at these places, my lad has always had the same thing, he was only 3 when he wouldn't go into the Druid's circle because of what he said went on to children there!!! [he'd not heard me say anything about the place, i'd not even been before].

Paul, you have a certain "passion" and views that most wouldn't subscribe to, i don't myself, and whilst i do agree the sites are "special" each individual will interpret that in their own way as you do. With respect your interpretation is waaaaay out there compared to most and whilst i respect your views i can't subscribe to them. I guess my views in your eyes would come across as passionless in comparison, though that doesn't mean being at a special place has no meaning to me, it does, which answers your question ie "why bother" ?

I'm not having a dig mate, just saying we're all different.
I doubt there's anyone using this site that's had more "run ins" with the membership than myself, some of them very intense but ultimately it serves nothing bar earning you a ban and a lost voice, which none of us want, but you can bet your bottom dollar the mods will show you the door if you don't stop taking things so personal, which you do ! Take a leaf from my book, you have to let things go or your head will explode. :)

My first comment [i see nothing wrong at all] - " At least she has faith in something, If someone stands in Stonehenge on their own and "feels" nothing, i'd say that person has no soul, This is madness - do you really think that everything people feel at these places is just Placebo? With your interest on the subject i don't think you really do, is this the self proclaimed "troublemaker" at work again?" Do you?, and i'll just be myself [i am what i am] and let them tell me if they've got a problem not you, talk about the pot calling the kettle black, i'll never be nowhere near as bad as you [and i read some of the nasty homophobic stuff], your not the right person to tell anyone how to behave on here.

I may not be as sprightly as yourself these days Paul but i invite you to call me homophobic to my face, over the solstice. ?
Now put your dummy back in and grow up ffs, you really do yourself no favours with this attitude, nor the site.

I read it and the Ed's certainly thought it was you, I read Goffik been abused and Moth and Jane, it was horrible reading Goffik's because i remember thinking your not just abusing him here but all Gays reading as well, you say it wasn't you, but it was your Megadread name used, i have my doubts [as the Ed's do], and i'd dare say anything to anyones face, but that would only happen if me and mine gets abused, then you'd see, try it!!!
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