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Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
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472 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:09
You tell me how you would decide who should know? Using what criteria?

There are plenty of archaeologists (and a sculptor) on Britarch that would like to have been able to see it for further research. I'd just like to be able to see it. And if as happens these secrets never stay secret, what happens if (as Mr Redfern fears) we see it being sold on eBay??

It now doesn't even seem very secure, let alone safe from deteriorating as is feared by some.
4033 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:16
> entoptics or similar NDE-stuff?

Sounds good to me, the linear bits had me thinking of the little scratchy engravings on Orkney tombs, but they have too many intersecting lines to be comparable.
8112 posts

Re: They've done WHAT ???!!
Dec 22, 2004, 12:19
You're stuck with me earthling. Someone's purloined me rocket!
4033 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:24
A slight aside, but this thread's getting tangly...

Is your root gripe that it was reburied so quickly then? Do you have concerns that it should have been left a bit longer for study?

I too would like to see the thing, but am uncomfortable with the idea of it being plonked in a museum. I'm not up enough on the quality of laser scanning to be able to pass comment on the quality of information that could be derived from a scan, but surely any desire to see it 'in the flesh' comes from wanting to make that trans-temporal connection with the ancients. A connection better made by getting up there on the moors.
8112 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:24
No, I agree with secrecy in some cases. The decision may not be entirely democratic, but that's the point of the secrecy. I'm sure if you show enough interest and dedication you'll be trusted to be let into the loop eventually. How else can it work?
Pete G
Pete G
3506 posts

Re: They've done WHAT ???!!
Dec 22, 2004, 12:26
Your rocket is currently undergoing modifications.
Mission control will inform you of the next scheduled launch.

The New English Heritage branch of NASA (Never A Straight Answer)
2709 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:29
I've already offered to be your guide.
5291 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:34
"You tell me how you would decide who should know? Using what criteria?"

exactly as Mr Swift says. If you show enough genuine interest, then you'll be 'in the loop'. How else can it be done? It's like any other decision you make to tell or not tell someone some sensitive information. You have to go on an individual case. Maybe it takes a while to assure people of your genuine intentions, and that you're not just some fwit who wants to rip it out of the ground when they're not looking. It's in the middle of a moor. It's going to take anyone some effort to find - therefore anyone determined to run off with it will have to be particularly dedicated - so it needs a similar amount of 'screening' to determine if you're that sort of person.
If the location is broadcasted to everyone just so you can know where it is 'just in case' you might like to go and see it, then you're exposing the stone to danger.
Anyway whatever.
Pete G
Pete G
3506 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:35
The scanning was done by Archaeoptix.
They scanned the Seahenge wood and found tool markings that would have gone unseen.
They also discovered new faint carvings on the Stonehenge stones.
Any 3D model they make will be exact and with clever computer manipulation will reveal
a lot of new information. I can't wait for them to release the details on their website.
They can build a perfect replica for the museum from the data.
472 posts

Re: Fire reveals moor's stone legacy
Dec 22, 2004, 12:40
My main gripe is that nothing I've read has convinced me re-burying the stone was the right thing to do.

A few inane quotes from an EH idiot, who also thinks that moving the Panorama stones, and thereby de-scheduling them, is the right thing to do. And views of a local who's arguement revolves around "it belongs here", with no real reasoned arguement to back it up; ie why bury this unique item but leave all the museums stuffed with things?

This smacks of the mess EH made of Seahenge, you would have hoped they'd learnt their lessons!
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