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474 posts

Sep 11, 2003, 14:02
What about hands on healing? Impossible to prove but I know it sometimes works.
5236 posts

Re: The C word
Sep 11, 2003, 14:04
Mebbe. Not sure. Christian baiting is a bit of a hobby sometimes I think!

To be fair though, people pulled you up pretty sharpish when you used the phrase 'spiritual landscapes' or whatever a few months ago. I think the sceptics round these parts (myself and on occasions, you, included) like to set down markers pretty quickly on most subjects of this sort of 'bent'.


Steve Gray
Steve Gray
931 posts

Re: Randi Bast***
Sep 11, 2003, 14:09
All the better if you can prove him wrong. If you're interested, have a look at the rules. Randi may be the ultimate skeptic, but the rules seem very fair to me.
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
931 posts

Sep 11, 2003, 14:12
Ah, now there you're onto even dodgier ground because you have two people involved, the "patient" and the "healer". I think most people of a cynical disposition would say that it is most likely to be the patient's belief in the power of the healer that brings about the necessary physiological changes to cure the illness.
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
931 posts

Re: softly, softly
Sep 11, 2003, 14:14
I like it!
5236 posts

Re: softly, softly
Sep 11, 2003, 14:21
Well, he told me not to think about it....


474 posts

Sep 11, 2003, 14:23
In my case the "patiant" was also the "healer", a few years ago I was having trouble with arthritic knees, could only get up a ladder one step at a time.
In the end I had a go at "faith healing" sorry about that word but I can't think of a better one.

Anyway since then, about six years now, I've been OK.
5236 posts

Sep 11, 2003, 14:25
Mmmm, thought I'd not expressed that right. You said:

'Well, I'm very much of the "never sensed anything psychic" camp as well, but the other day, at the Rollrights, despite some noise from traffic and people and planes, there was an underlying profound silence and stillness. Never felt it before. Did I self-generate it, or is there something there I don't know? And if the latter, should I call it unknown science or psychic energy?'

Then you said:

'…the thing about the Rollrights is that they're much more of a compete circle than most....'

What I was trying to get at is that if factors like the proximity of the stones to each other was significant, why did you only have the experience this time, having been to the RRs loads of times? And would you get similar experiences at Sunkenkirk where the stones are close together too?

Etc & bollocks


8112 posts

Re: Oops!
Sep 11, 2003, 14:38
No, I've never been to the Rollrights till then. "Never felt it before" meant "anywhere".

I haven't been to such a complete circle before, so I don't know if the theory (which is NOT mine and not a theory!) would work elsewhere. It's a one-observation theory, the sort that drives the likes of Steve nuts, because it's supported by 100% by the evidence so far. I'll keep him upset by never going to another complete circle, and if others report nil results I'll just say Ah but they're not me, I'm a conduit!

PS I'm pretty sure, if I did go there again I'd feel the same.
8112 posts

Sep 11, 2003, 14:40
And now you're leading a cult of stone rowers!
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