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Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
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The Seth Man
1247 posts

Edited Aug 05, 2015, 07:35
Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 07:34
I'm drinking myself blind to the sound of an old T-Rex...

"Teen Riot Structure," "Solid Baby," "Jewel" and especially..."Raw Ramp."

Eater of cars? Fucking eater of my sore pain and yearning love. Forever.

Marc getting those "T-T-T-T-Rex!"s in behind the chorus in "Teen Riot Structure"?

What the shit, Marc Feld: You wuz a London Boy along with David Jones and Steve Georgiou that hit the marc (sorry -- but not) fair and square by will and love alone and who the fuck ever thought those tracks would ever emanate from the author of "Hippy Gumbo"? Not fucking Simon Napier-Bell. Whoa!

Cheap formula to the snob, fucking GOLD to yours truly...

as well as life affirming in the only way possible.

My only reservation: He was a dick to John Peel, but...ah, I can't care about that right now. They're both ion the void now arguing over who was the better guitarist: him or Hendrix; the best vocalist: him or Elvis, etc.

Rant over. Back to raging T-Rextasty. (PS: I am not British, so I have absolutely no excuse. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA whoa!)
Kid Calamity
9050 posts

Edited Aug 05, 2015, 13:07
Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 11:36
I was hit between the ears by Jeepster at a school disco, in early 1972. I wasn't long out of junior school and had never been to a proper disco before, where the music was loud and the mesmerising swirling lights lit up the hippies and beautiful girls.

It was the tribal drum intro... then that brutal riff... then that voice. I was in. And still am.

I didn't get to see T.REX until February 1976 ( https://bolan-boogie.bandcamp.com/album/birmingham-76 ) - and then for a second and final time in March the following year. Both were very special and cherished events.
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 13:31
Ride a White Swan was the first single I ever bought. I can still remember my youthful excitement checking the record shop every day after school to see if it was in yet.
861 posts

Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 15:43
Who knew that those school discos would leave such a mark on our psyche.
The hormones, lights and wild music. Didn't even need drugs.
Kid Calamity
9050 posts

Edited Aug 05, 2015, 15:48
Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 15:47
It was dark and loud - and i was a first year student among big kids and there were hippies in purple embroidered clothes, on the stage playing the records and then some of them came down into the hall and get everyone dancing in a big circle around them. Scary and very exciting.
861 posts

Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 15:55
The feelings of inadequacy compared to the hipper, bigger kids but managing a kiss and cuddle with a wallflower girl anyway.
Kid Calamity
9050 posts

Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 16:56
Think Zinc from Zinc Alloy & The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow

When I first heard this, I thought it was like nothing I'd ever heard, before. By this stage we'd got lots of labels touting their usurped to Bolan's celebrity - yet this was way ahead and out there. And it fascinated me. Like that time the beat of Jeepster caught my attention, this had a similar effect. Another percussive motif. Programmed or looped rhythms were still a real novelty, back in 1974. Nobody I'd heard had done anything as strange as this. It still does have a rather unique sound, I think.

6761 posts

Edited Aug 05, 2015, 17:03
Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 17:03
I came lately but Children of the Revolution was my first conscious riff love object (if you don't count the TOTP theme version of Whole Lotta Love). I really liked School's Out earlier that summer but not enough to beg the extra money to buy the single. I was 10 and football mattered more.

The Slider didn't really do it for me and by December I was all Ziggy all the time. Not my favourite artist of that era (I probably play Sweet's Level Headed more often than any Bolan) but big soft spot for Electric Warrior and the MFP Ride A White Swan compilation.
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 19:21
IanB wrote:
I came lately but Children of the Revolution was my first conscious riff love object (if you don't count the TOTP theme version of Whole Lotta Love). I really liked School's Out earlier that summer but not enough to beg the extra money to buy the single. I was 10 and football mattered more.

The Slider didn't really do it for me and by December I was all Ziggy all the time. Not my favourite artist of that era (I probably play Sweet's Level Headed more often than any Bolan) but big soft spot for Electric Warrior and the MFP Ride A White Swan compilation.

Ah the MFP Ride a White Swan comp - I never owned that but just about everyone else I knew did. Memories! Those MFP albums introduced so many of our generation to so many bands.
6761 posts

Edited Aug 05, 2015, 19:44
Re: Just Like Peter Townshend Sang...
Aug 05, 2015, 19:39
Squid Tempest wrote:
IanB wrote:
I came lately but Children of the Revolution was my first conscious riff love object (if you don't count the TOTP theme version of Whole Lotta Love). I really liked School's Out earlier that summer but not enough to beg the extra money to buy the single. I was 10 and football mattered more.

The Slider didn't really do it for me and by December I was all Ziggy all the time. Not my favourite artist of that era (I probably play Sweet's Level Headed more often than any Bolan) but big soft spot for Electric Warrior and the MFP Ride A White Swan compilation.

Ah the MFP Ride a White Swan comp - I never owned that but just about everyone else I knew did. Memories! Those MFP albums introduced so many of our generation to so many bands.

True. Not to mention "Laugh With The Comedians" an lp so un-PC I might be drummed out of my local Labour Party for owning a copy.
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