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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 May 2015 CE
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jb lamptoast-morsley
jb lamptoast-morsley
2454 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 May 2015 CE
May 24, 2015, 15:12
Tried out Faith No More's Sol Invictus a few times. Got some good songs on it, my fav being motherfucker. But is it better than that other great motherfucker derivation, like a motherfucker? That's another question

Pharoah Overlord - The battle of the Axehammer (live). A new discovery of mine. Om have a lot to answer for.Maybe. Good stuff as it goes

Stockholm Monsters - Alma Mater Plus. Needs more listens, but not against the idea

Cranium Pie - Mechanisms Part 2. Heard a bit of this on the way home from a folk triple bill in Truro (Lau, Spiros and Siobhan Wilson)and was blown away by what I heard!

Godshaker compilation

John Martyn - Solid Air, Glorious Fool

Phil Manzenera - Diamond Head
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