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Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: SPIN's kiss of death for 2004
Feb 02, 2004, 18:28
"or the "jaded" tatooed & pierced skank from the Distillers. Whom I've never heard but I *know* they suck."

Nice one Dog, managed to sound horribly smug and sexist in one fell swoop.
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: SPIN's kiss of death for 2004
Feb 02, 2004, 18:35
BTW, the Distillers are probably better than you think they are,not having heard them and all, but ..hey I wouldnt wanna ruin this 'too cool' thing you got going on.
Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Distillers chick
Feb 02, 2004, 21:34
There is simply too much focus on the "look & personality" of the singer. I can't believe someone who seems so lifestyle-focused is really kicking out the jams in interesting ways. I bet they're another "punk" band in the horrible early-21st century sense of the word. Punk's dead you know!
Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Re: SPIN's kiss of death for 2004
Feb 02, 2004, 21:36
I don't mind sounding smug in the service of rejecting the latest corporate media hype.

And I don't think what I said is any more sexist than all the comments about politicians and entertainers being "cunts" around here. She looks "skanky" that's her image!
Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Re: Interpol
Feb 02, 2004, 21:37
Oh all right, I will look up the Interpol . . . although I'm thinking I'll have the same reaction as to the Strokes (whom I don't care for much at all.)
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: SPIN's kiss of death for 2004
Feb 02, 2004, 22:48
Well thanks for the service I suppose. But isn't your instant dismissal of stuff 'cos Spin (or whoever )recommends them just as obvious and kneejerka reaction as Spin (supposedly) slavering over them in the first place?
I mean you could be denying yourself something you might like on the instant grounds that it's been recommended from, what is in your eyes, a 'co-orporate' and therefore uncool source.
Try before you buy sure. But what about try before you deny as well ;^)

And sorry, but describing a female singer, about whom you admit you know nothing, and whose music you admit you have not heard, as a 'skank', sounds like a sexist brush off to me.
9547 posts

Re: Distillers chick
Feb 02, 2004, 23:06
Kinda like Hagalaz Runedance -- trying to pass off a pagan message by playing 'goth metal' and having a pretty 'goth' woman as a singer. Nothing new -- ho hum!
Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Re: SPIN's kiss of death for 2004
Feb 02, 2004, 23:44
Maybe there's a transatlantic translation issue with the word "skank." I am simply refering to her goth/punk/Courtney-lite image.

As for the rest -- you know, you learn how to "read" stuff in context. I work at a radio station and get exposed to plenty of new stuff, mostly indie releases. I also get SPIN and MTV and all that. Generally, the "rock" in SPIN and on MTV sucks. Stuff the other DJ's turn me on to is more interesting. Ain't nobody I know personally stumping for The Distillers. I very may well have heard one of their songs on MTV before and just not paid any attention. I couldn't tell you what Nickelback sounds like either, though I'm sure I've flipped past their videos.

Basically -- you CAN judge a book by it's cover when the cover of the book gets hyped hard and no one talks about the plot or characters in the book.
keith a
9573 posts

Re: Interpol
Feb 02, 2004, 23:46
Where've Spin been till now. The Interpol LP came out in 2002!

I agree with Lawrence - that's twice now ; )

The album might be patchy, but NYC is great.

I have to say I find the track that rips off This Charming Man to be less effective than the ones that rip off Joy Division.
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: SPIN's kiss of death for 2004
Feb 02, 2004, 23:58
I agree, you can read stuff in context, no question. But I'm saying what's wrong with attempting to see beyond hype and actually test the goods - before being so readily dismissive? As I say, you might end up depriving yourself of something you might like purely cos "Spin" "NME" et al likes it 'ergo it must be crap'.
That way elitism lies. Just cos A band is on the cover of something is no obligation on your part to buy their stuff; neither is it a 100% assurance they are crap - cos thats just as silly as 'believing what you read'. The information is their for you to use.

To come from what seems a fairly lofty position of slagging something off without actually hearing a note seems a bit pointless to me. I mean, I don't work in radio or DJ and I know what Nickelback sound like and I can tell you, with at least having heard them, that I don't like 'em and why.
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