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BNP in Blackburn
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2057 posts

Re: BNP in Blackburn
Nov 22, 2002, 13:39
No mate, I don't ignore them. I take them on head on. Always have. Yes I read their pamphlets, yes I read their paper. Yes, I keep an eye on what they're up to. At all times. Ignoring them is how they get positions of power. I'm not stone throwing.

As for contributions. Yep, I have contributed, I think, occasionally. If I haven't it doesn't matter to me. I've been posting to BBs long b4 the Internet went public on privately run Bulletin boards etc (way back in the 300 baud days). As such, I have developed a philosophy that you should never, ever, take anything said online by anyone personally ever. Something you should adopt too. It's all after all just baggage innit ? It's just not worth the emotional aggro to yourself is it ?

So whenever u perceive that I've flown off the nadle or I've gone 'off on one', just tell yerself it's Stray, it's bollocks. 'cos I can guarantee that it is.

woah!! I think I've reached yr transcendence, what a spooky place it is.
1689 posts

Re: BNP in Blackburn
Nov 22, 2002, 13:39
correct at time of writing? still think i'd disagree, but hey ho, there you go (ther one goes, sorry)

i think as aqk & t'others have said, the very basis of it is indeed impoverishment+scapegoating. but that kinda lets the local politico's off the hook too. the council are dreadful - a labour fiefdom with the scum Straw, himself far from averse to whipping racist bullshit playing a hefty role.
the BNP got (basically) a thorough kicking whenever they cvame close to getting anywhere in London - due in part to the whole London bias of government/media etc - which meant it became an even bigger issue than it already was, and suddenly those councils started getting MONEY thrown at them! that and the fact that the left (of all varieties) would/could come from across the cvity to do some serious campaigning, and they would have a fair clue about what the actual issues were.

This doesnt happen in the north. The national government don't really give a shit, n its a quick feeding frenzy for the media. The left, sadly, tend to bus in bloody students with no real clue, and piss locals off. Whilst there are many good peeps who know how to talk to the locals who MAY vote nazi, there are nothing like enough.

So, in my little nutshell. The nazi's won cos of - shit conditions, succesful scapegoating, complacent government, failure of the left.
2057 posts

Re: Kiss and make up folks
Nov 22, 2002, 13:41
Hate ? don't be silly. I strongly apologise for giving you that impression. Contrary to what ppl think there aren't that many ppl I do hate. Check post below.
1689 posts

Re: BNP in Blackburn
Nov 22, 2002, 13:42
>They managed to get in by FPTP. They wouldn't under PR. (Although they might still have some representation.)

yeah, sadly, as they got a third of the votes in this seat (and lower, but still similar results elsewhere) we'd actually have a shitload more of them under PR
1689 posts

Re: Back to the point (Action)
Nov 22, 2002, 13:53
• Blackburn anti-Nazis to rally on Saturday

Assemble: 1pm, Saturday 23 November
Blackburn Town Hall, Town Square, Blackburn

all i know of so far

entirely agree with you on your other suggestions.
i know the burnley councillors were also being 'actively boycotted', but i aint sure how its worked out yet.
10943 posts

Nov 22, 2002, 13:55
... hands that is.

I admire you for reading all that shit and not cracking up (or getting that feeling of being slightly converted - afterall their propoganda is mighty strong). I suppose when you *truly* feel strongly about something then you do that, you read the bollocks to strengthen your argument properly.

I did the same in my big animal rights days. I too remember swearing when my telephone receiver fell out of the coupler (and swearing at my mum when she bought a Trim phone because it didn't fit!)

I just despise the BNP and their beliefs and all those that follow them. I don't feel strongly enough to get really involved in the political scene these days. It's an odd feeling knowing that going out there and protesting and (possibly) being arrested is the best thing for my kids' futures, but knowing it is wrong for their short term futures stops me. I hate that side of me. Is being a 'short-term' responsible parent *actually* being a responsible parent at all? I reckon not.

The old me, the one that used to raid labs and sit on fox holes (after the fox had entered) and used to get beat up with shotgun butts has long gone. Well, the one that would go out of my way to do it has. If I'm walking through the country and a hunt passes I still dive in there.

Everyone always tells me I have no sense of reality when it comes to my views on what I'd like society to be, but I always put that down to my version not being what they want. Mine don't have wealth and power for the few and that's what they all seem to want.

<hanging up my angry hat>

grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Re: Kiss and make up folks
Nov 22, 2002, 13:59
And i'm... what was it...? hypocritical, pious and pedantic... so there's no way i'm gonna touch this thread with a 6 foot pole.
365 posts

Re: Kiss and make up folks
Nov 22, 2002, 14:02
Only said in anger once you'd called me mad Jim, and we did both apologise - no hard feelings eh ?
2057 posts

Re: Back to the point (Action)
Nov 22, 2002, 14:03
Cheers for that. Now we're talking. I'll do my best to get up there, just need to sort out out the transport arrangements from Cambridge. I am kind of hoping a general NW ANL rally of somesort gets done. I am kind of bugged (in a sad splitter, winging way) that the NW ANL (and SWP) have so obviously fucked this situation up. I remember how embarrased both organisations were when the Tower Hamlets thing happened. And both organisations managed to effectively reverse the sitation very rapidly. Then again, both groups are as london centric as the media and government so it's not entirely surprising. This situation in the NW should never, and would never, have happened if a serious mobilisation, public meetings, door stepping counter campaign was organised during the election. This obviously never happened, or wasn't done properly (fuck! I'm sounding like Chris Bambery, wheres me ski mask ;)). Branches should be trusted to act, and supported to act (yeah, rerunning every conference ever in my head now) and not treated with suspicion.

I think what we need is a proper ANL type organisation that is truly unfettered from both the SWP and the Labour Party (ARA, hahahah, oh dear). Something like AFA, but without the baseball bats.
2057 posts

Re: Shakin'
Nov 22, 2002, 14:08
I can totally relate to what your saying. I too had to withdraw from frontline activism for a bit for the sake of my kids too. The death threat phone calls etc, etc. Now my kids are older, and don't live with me full time I'm going back to the front again. I have no problems, and totally and utterly support, your decision. Nothing incenses me more than politico parents taking their pram and buggy bound kids to actions and demos that are likely to kick off. Or exposing them to danger by making themselves known to the enemies of us all.
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