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9547 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 19, 2012, 13:29
My decision not to vote was from seeing a libertarian website suggesting voting isn't worth it -- because you're just voting over people who rule over you. I'm pretty sure every Englishman on the board knows this except you, of course. The stupid Tory...

Why be upset over the fact that I'm not conditioned to care about some sneering Tory bitch who is in love with Fascist dictators like Pino-shit?
758 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 21, 2012, 01:23
I am certainly not upset by you. I am just telling you that your obvious apathy, lack of self-confidence and paranoia is somewhat sad. If you actually voted for something, I would be happy to continue to engage with you, despite the childish name-calling; but as you don't...I'll have to limit any future exchanges with you to non-political subjects - but I'll try an keep that to the exception.
9547 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 21, 2012, 13:54
You seem to idiotically think there is a choice, when the choice happens to be either autocratic or obnoxiously autocratic and you keep choosing the latter. Well if you're gonna opt out and be a coward, that's your choice. I just realize I'm too smart to think my vote ever makes a difference in the first place.

758 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 22, 2012, 01:20
154 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 22, 2012, 12:39
I kind of agree with Prime on this.

I think voting is an obligation as well as a privilege. There are plenty of political parties out there that mean you can vote for SOMEONE and have a clean concience. The main parties are all a bit shit at the moment ( hence the Galloway Result) but voting for anyone but them is more of a protest than just staying home, surely?

I'm not looking for a fight here, just voicing an opinion. I've been to far too many countries that don't have the right to vote to ever take it for granted.
275 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 22, 2012, 14:04
Been legible to vote for 35 years and always have, but also believe in a persons right not to vote should they so choose. That said, having not voted reduces a persons credibility considerably when it comes to complaining about the outcome.
9547 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 22, 2012, 15:26
Just that I don't think the choice is really clear anymore. But I'll tell you I may change my mind and just vote Obama this year just because I hate those disgusting con-tards and their brazen Fascist apologist agenda...
2057 posts

Edited Apr 22, 2012, 16:21
Re: I luv this!
Apr 22, 2012, 16:18
rockhopper wrote:
Been legible to vote for 35 years and always have, but also believe in a persons right not to vote should they so choose. That said, having not voted reduces a persons credibility considerably when it comes to complaining about the outcome.

I used to feel exactly the same way, but I don't anymore. When a system completely fails (which our 'participatory' democracies have) it is perfectly acceptable to refuse to participate in it. Instead its more worthwhile to look outside it, and argue for something to replace it. Lets be honest, if the number of people voting falls dramatically it becomes very difficult for any government to claim a mandate. In that situation a real change from outside is a damn sight more likely.
8112 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 22, 2012, 16:26
rockhopper wrote:
having not voted reduces a persons credibility considerably when it comes to complaining about the outcome.

Not under the British system which lacks PR unfortunately. I'm not sure that one person having decided or not decided to vote has ever affected a result has it?
Of course, if the natural majority that doesn't vote Conservative started to vote Tactical Anti-Conservative they'd make a massive difference. Geoffrey would be part of an ineffectual minority for a start.
8112 posts

Re: I luv this!
Apr 22, 2012, 16:33
stray wrote:
Lets be honest, if the number of people voting falls dramatically it becomes very difficult for any government to claim a mandate. In that situation a real change from outside is a damn sight more likely.

i can't see anyone refusing power on the grounds the turn out was too low.

Can you define "a real change from outside"? It's a bit worrying!
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