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Voting for the lesser of two evils
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2057 posts

Re: A Word from George Orwell
Sep 06, 2002, 12:30
Market trimmed, heheh, I love that one. ;)

C++ itself is a more flexible medium than say Oracles RAD tools, though you are still stuck with a family of classes that u have to use. The vast majority of those that get compiled into yr build are never used. Plus you still end up faffing about wiv em to stop them doing things more than actually letting them do things.

I think in general the meaning of the word creativity has been horribly cheapened in recent times. I say it's not purely an intellectual thing, true creativty has something other, external, almost spiritual and unquantifiable about it. What do you reckon ?

Marcel Duchamp : No!
William Blake : Hell yes!
10943 posts

Re: A Word from George Orwell
Sep 06, 2002, 12:36
>> I think in general the meaning of the word
>> creativity has been horribly cheapened in
>> recent times.

That is exactly what I was trying to say. Why did I take 700 words to do it!?

>> I say it's not purely an intellectual thing, true
>> creativty has something other, external, almost
>> spiritual and unquantifiable about it. What do
>> you reckon ?

I kinda agree with that too. I have always said that I'd give my left arm to be able to play the violin :-)

Musical and poetical creativity are the two qualities I will envy anyone for. They are gifts beyond my ken and I admire anyone who possesses them.
10943 posts

Re: A Word from George Orwell
Sep 06, 2002, 12:38
I have written a few bespoke RADs and you can never get them right. The user always ends up asking for more flexibility etc.

I hate them. Can I have my old Z80 assembler job back please?
2057 posts

Just happen m8.
Sep 06, 2002, 12:45
Damn ya man, just pick up an instrument and make some bloody noise, creativity will just come to you. ;)

Just say a big 'fuck off' to the well tempered scale and other inflexible things like harmony, it's the passion and wurraaghhh!!! thats important.
1689 posts

Sep 06, 2002, 12:46
double plus hell yes!!!

ana amazing creative visionary, who taught us (or helped to do so) how to see the beautiful in the inane, how to look at the world through completely different eyes

blake was a faily dull mysticist in comparision
10943 posts

How about this
Sep 06, 2002, 12:49
We are in danger of accepting the 're-meaning' of words to make us feel happy with what we are doing. The monk that sat down for years and wrote and illustrated the Book of Kells 'created' something. Pick any author and they 'created' something when they wrote a book. The printers later manufactured copies of that creation - they did not created.

Basically, I want to fight a system that renames the "Personel Dept" to "Human Fucking Resources"!!!

Do not allow the adulteration of our language to meet the needs of the powers that be. Words should retain their original meaning and purpose and we should not accept any change in that meaning. If you want to say something else then invent a new word, but don't try and glorify something by using a word with a more significant true meaning.
5291 posts

Re: who exploits who?
Sep 06, 2002, 12:50
but necropolist you are taking the opposite view of saying 'it's your fault' by claiming 'it's nothing to do with me' - which is patently untrue. As merrick says, in this society you are so cut off from where your material things come from and where your rubbish goes. If you had to buy your cheap t-shirt / expensive Nike trainers from the poor sod who slaved to make it - directly - then would you?

You have so much choice about what you buy. It is not true to say there are only a couple of manufacturers making everything. There are small independent companies making all sorts of things. It is surely everyone's responsibility to find out where their money is going - or else they're behaving like the three wise monkeys. And if you do that you have no compassion for other people??
10943 posts

Re: Just happen m8.
Sep 06, 2002, 12:52
Ah .. alas I will never move anyone the way Segovia can move me when I hear that sweet etherial magic that those little fat fingers could produce. :-(
10943 posts

Re: Just happen m8.
Sep 06, 2002, 12:52
er .. sorry ... could CREATE !!!!
601 posts

Re: Duchamp!!
Sep 06, 2002, 12:57
>blake was a faily dull mysticist in comparision

sorry, but BOLLOCKS - the guy was an absolute, 100%, bonafide, never to be repeated *GENIUS*!!!!

...as was Duchamp for that matter... how anyone can deny that of the guy who CREATED 'Etant Donnés' is beyond me!!!

All just my own opinion, of course :-)
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