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ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
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2607 posts

ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 18, 2001, 15:17
ThE PoStInGs *r * a tAd DuLL DoODS ! sOrRy bUt tHeY r!
So bEfOrE yEe All GeT On YeR hIgH HoRsEs... i tHoUgHt i wOuLd aTtEmpT To DrAw *u* zz* DoOds aWAy fRom pOLAtICS, mSaAk, CoPe, StOnE CiRcLeS, eCT.....oNtO tHeE SpOoKyFiED sUbJeCt oF ThE
i pErSoNAllY HAVe HAD a fEW SPoOKy mOmeNtS iN mY LiFe!
HaVe aNy oF *u*???
TeLl mE aLL???
rIgHt i'lL GeT Me cOaT.
2607 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 18, 2001, 15:51
I BeT Mr. cOpE has sEen a fEw SpOoks In HIS tImE.???
sHiT I'M sTaRtInG 2 sOuNd lIkE tHAT FeCkEn yIgYaw. 9wIvEs?
RiGhT i'm gOnE yEr All SpOoKInG mE OuT~~~~~~fReEkYY DoODs WOoaHEehOwElLlL. <sHiVeRiNg gRiN>
2607 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 18, 2001, 16:32
BeDmInStEr lIbRaRy (BrISTol)...OoOo..JuSt me In this old Library...CoUld HEAR & fEeL The presentsof someone YET tHE pLACE WAS CLOSED aLL THE DoORS WERE LOCKED ...YET SOMEONE WAS WALKING AROUND
sounded liKE an old person...freaked me out a bit ...but I asked if any one was there lOoked all round ....not a thing...but the shuffling fOotsteps still loud and clear...as I tried to ignor it and get on with my job for 2 hours this presents carried on shuffling fOotsteps and muttering of an older person scared the shit out of me so I went home early that day...confused and 2 nervy to tell any one . UntIl NoW!
rIGHT Ur..TuRn!
2992 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 18, 2001, 18:40
Help me save the world and I'll tell you a story. Then neither of us will be bored cHaRlIe! ;-)

xx mwah!
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 18, 2001, 19:17
I love spookyness cHARLIE and have myself enjoyed/shat myself with a few 'out there' experiences.
Been spooked by the spirit of my dead cat was one and another was finding a hotel floor that shouldn't have been there, all dusty and stuff, then not being able to find it again.
ooOOooooOOOooo etc!
2607 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 19, 2001, 00:29
I spOoKED tHE shit out of my self every morn when I lOoK iN tHeE mIRroR...mOrFe iF *I* heLp wILL iT MAkE Me rIcH??
NeXt i WiLL tElL tHeE tale of my two mates who ran off to THE backend of Irland where by they told me a real spOoky story ABOUT AN ALuminating *Monk* hovering 2 ft off the ground . This is a tale that was told to me about 1992 in the PuB...BUT THE fear on thEIr faces confirmed that they had , bEeN ThRoUgH SoMeThInG!
bUt latErS..NiGhT'nIghT DoOdS.
393 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 19, 2001, 23:06
a lady that knew my mother lived in an old house that existed around the time of the 45 rebellion up north in the highlands of scotalnd. She used to see soldiers walking through the house cut off at the knees it transpired that in thoses days the floor had been lower and so this is why they now appeared to be cut off at the knees. I don't know how true this is having never met the lady but it was interesting. thought i would add to your spooky tales!!
love carolinexx
22 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 20, 2001, 03:58
While driving to work day before yesturday I passed a lady crossing the street. It looked like she had blue mist all around her body. I thought it was just the ton of nicotine on my windshield distorting the view but it wasn't. The other people on the sidewalk did not have a blue hase. It freaked me out because I have never seen anything like that before.
When I was 14 I saw 2 nuns dressed in blue and white instead of black and white walking behind me . I'm sure they were ghosts. It was round about the time I saw The Shining. It reminded me of the scene where the little girls are at the end of the hallway.SPOOKY.E.
2992 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 20, 2001, 09:55
2607 posts

Re: ThEe SuPeRNaTuRaL sPoOkYnEss
Jul 20, 2001, 13:51
RiGhT tHeN ChiLdReN GAtHeR rOuND & hOld hands cAUSE i'm gOnNa tEll YA tHE rEST oF ThEe sToRy aBoUt me 2 MATES wHO seen tHE iRISH sPoOK...
... tHeRe They BOtH were Running Away from their problems to Irland with there crappy van and a nice big bag of ganJA ANd a bottle of whiskey...sat round the camp fire.
As night fell they both noticed a glowing shape which was about a 5min walk away...so they at first thought it was an iLoOomanating signpost but thought they would go and checkit out anyways? As they got closer the air got thick and tHeE *Atmospheric Pressure* became Staticky..."wOw Feck"! All @ once *ThE fEaR wAs uPON tHEM*.....
tEll UzZz dOoDs PART 2 before beddybuys tonight . Laters.
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