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Re: Anglesey
Jun 11, 2015, 08:58
blossom wrote:
It's such a shame I didn't come on here sooner. I could have taken you up the "mountain" in Rachub. It is covered in so many interesting sites. I'm glad you had such a good time here in North Wales. TSC I went back up to Pen today. Another perfect day for it, and this time I managed to see monument 278 that we missed last time. I hope you're well. Let me know if you're up this way anytime :)

I thought of you Blossom and would liked to have met up. We actually stayed near Llanllechid, the next village along. The accommodation was a converted stone barn at the end of a narrow track with a backdrop of mountains. The light was wonderful and a 'never to be forgotten' memory for me was one evening when I watched a large brown hare lope across the field by the nearby farmhouse and come out under gate in front of our holiday property. It was totally unaware of being watched. North Wales is a wonderful place and I now have a better insight of how important language and culture is to the people there.

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