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Waylands Smithy - Vibrating???
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Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: A fresh start ...
Oct 23, 2002, 15:49
I could do with shedding a few years 4Ws - any hints as to how to do that??!
10943 posts

Re: A fresh start ...
Oct 23, 2002, 16:04
I wish I knew me old mucker. I'va only managed to gain them so far.

BUT, what goes up must come down and my age is rising. When does it start to fall folks?
125 posts

Re: A less abrasive offering
Oct 23, 2002, 16:07
Who exactly are the bay city rollers???
1527 posts

techno techno techno
Oct 23, 2002, 16:07
yup, there's regularly free parties up on the Ridgeway, often right across the road from Waylands

or it could be the spirits asking you to not leave your litter ... it might seem like an offering to you, but when there's 20 or 30 or day, it soon piles up into a mess. "Bio-degradable" means "rotting"

At the end of the day, before you even get to a site, ask yourself what the effect would be if every visitor there did exactly what you were intending. Waylands sees quite a bit of action, and quite honestly, litter breeds. You leave something, so does someone else, and next thing you know, people are leaving boiled sweets, still in their wrapper, for the Goddess to enjoy

or somebody else to pick up before the place turns into a rubbish tip

There are more productive ways to show your love than leaving things behind you

but hello anyway

125 posts

Re: Waylands Smithy - Vibrating???
Oct 23, 2002, 16:13
You would presume right, I live in the realatively flat lands to the east of the chiltern hills. But have a tendancy to wander. Wales mainly, but I had a feeling you had already found me out.

You however are an enigma, you have entered notes under so many areas, including Ravensborough Castle. The pub down the road in the village is quite nice, although conflicting stories from ancient history are plentifull. The castle is open once a year though, on a guided walk unfortunately with one of the local "rangers".

I thank you lady for your assistance.

125 posts

Re: A fresh start ...
Oct 23, 2002, 16:20
Confused by the year thing, I'm only a youngster after all.

I do tend to spend a reasonable amount of time at places like Waylands, Uffington and Windmill hill, mainly because it takes so long for all the other noise to go away. I'm a fairly peacefull animal in my own way.

Haven't actually ever heard any parties up there, but there was one chap with a rather large digeridoo, doing something which sounded like an elephant giving birth. Not that I mind a nice bit of dig, but that was definately not nice.

Nice to know there are so many other people who see the same things.

5291 posts

Re: A fresh start ...
Oct 23, 2002, 16:21
Come on, leaving the odd seedcase (that's already dropped off a tree) isn't going to cause any problems - unless, yes, it's at a really busy site like wayland;s smithy.
And may I remind people that leaving coins and a horse at the smithy has been the idea for centuries. Allegedly. And you know what a mess horses leave behind.

And another thing, (and don't bother to contradict me) surely most people here have at some time felt so chuffed with being at a site that they wanted to give something back in some way?? I always pick up litter but I have to admit I have left a little flower at a site (in the past, alright, I'm a convert to the anti-decaying vegetation view now). Or am I just being hopelessly wishywashy for you lot now?!

Anyway Blaidd, welcome, and we all look forward to your contributions. Don't be put off by the odd bit of banter, that's one thing that makes this forum comfy. I didn't think my message was too unfriendly. Now tell us more about this thumping - could you hear it or just feel it? and did you investigate where you thought it was coming from?

I try to be open-minded about the reasons behind why these sites were placed where they are. Who's to say you haven't noticed something unusual about the place that most people would n't have been sensitive enough to notice. After all, we're so used to living in a loud busy environment and shutting out so much of the sensation around us.
125 posts

Re: A fresh start ...
Oct 23, 2002, 16:31
Well I think that told us !!, I can live with that though, you all make fair points.

As for trying to find out what was causing the vibrations, um, no I decided to retreat on that one. I could feel it, obviously through the part I was sitting on but also through by back which was leaning - gently - on one of the trees. Apart from the wind which was blowing from behind me - quite strongly, there was no sound. That I think was the confusing thing.

I have found waylands to be a place of immence peace at times, but others it is almost as if it's alive. I wouldn't say raw energy or anything as that just doesn't sound right, but it's as if you suddenly become so aware of everything around you, sight, smell, touch. Everything becomes so much more real, more detailed.

On reflection, maybe I should start smoking something.....................
10943 posts

Re: techno techno techno
Oct 23, 2002, 16:31
>> and next thing you know, people are leaving
>> boiled sweets, still in their wrapper, for the
>> Goddess to enjoy

But she told me she liked them!!!

I'll get me coat.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: A less abrasive offering
Oct 23, 2002, 16:37
A very ancient group of Scottish stones that were known to make noises now and then.
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