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Developments at Avebury
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5386 posts

Developments at Avebury... or not...
May 28, 2011, 10:08
Shhh! Don’t mention Avebury!
3606 posts

Edited May 29, 2011, 01:07
Re: The Great Stones Way
May 29, 2011, 00:01
Littlestone wrote:

Read the article above and also the minutes of Avebury Parish Council which is linked within your link. Think its highly unlikely there would be any mileage in attempting to change the name of The Great Stones Way as it seems to have already taken off in a big way. The Ramblers Association's magazine 'Walk' has a well written/photographed article about The Great Stones Way in its summer edition.
It gives map references; train and bus routes; information about the Ridgeway with Friends' website address; and some thought provoking views on Avebury and Stonehenge. Seems this walking lark is catching on - wear and tear needs to be consistently monitored though.
15 posts

Re: Developments at Avebury
Jul 04, 2011, 22:40
neighbourofthedrude wrote:
I can't be arsed to read all the replies here so I'll just put in my sugestion and bugger off again.
There is only one thing I'd like to see at Avebury/Kennet/Silbury.
Won't cost much.
Won't spoil the vibe man.


Make them out of wood/stone/plastic I'm not fussed.
Just put them out there for the dirty bastards to see and maybe use.
Sort me out a couple and I'll put them out myself.


The subject of rubish bins has been raised time and time again. The problem is that if you site bins, they constantly need emptying, which requires paid man power and resources, neither of which the NT can fund.

The principle theory currently is that if there are no bins that people take their rubbish home with them. To some degree this does work at Avebury, there is generally very little litter around the site, and the few bits that there are, seem to be swept up by other well meaning visitors/tourists or the Guardians.

This is the same reason there are no benches to sit on within the circle. If people are encouraged to sit then they tend to generate litter. It's a little harsh I feel on the older generation, and those less abled people who would like to gently walk around the site with periodic stops. However, there is nothing stopping people taking their own chairs in the site, and it also reduces the possibility of vandalism and damage within the area.

There are one or two bins for the placement of doggy poop, but they are right off the beaten track, and not that visible, which again defeats the object in my book.

When you consider the number of visitors to the site, there really is a remarkable lack of litter and vandalism, so I guess the logic does work out.
558 posts

Re: Developments at Avebury
Jul 05, 2011, 07:35
Sian wrote:
neighbourofthedrude wrote:
I can't be arsed to read all the replies here so I'll just put in my sugestion and bugger off again.
There is only one thing I'd like to see at Avebury/Kennet/Silbury.
Won't cost much.
Won't spoil the vibe man.


Make them out of wood/stone/plastic I'm not fussed.
Just put them out there for the dirty bastards to see and maybe use.
Sort me out a couple and I'll put them out myself.


The subject of rubish bins has been raised time and time again. The problem is that if you site bins, they constantly need emptying, which requires paid man power and resources, neither of which the NT can fund.

The principle theory currently is that if there are no bins that people take their rubbish home with them. To some degree this does work at Avebury, there is generally very little litter around the site, and the few bits that there are, seem to be swept up by other well meaning visitors/tourists or the Guardians.

This is the same reason there are no benches to sit on within the circle. If people are encouraged to sit then they tend to generate litter. It's a little harsh I feel on the older generation, and those less abled people who would like to gently walk around the site with periodic stops. However, there is nothing stopping people taking their own chairs in the site, and it also reduces the possibility of vandalism and damage within the area.

There are one or two bins for the placement of doggy poop, but they are right off the beaten track, and not that visible, which again defeats the object in my book.

When you consider the number of visitors to the site, there really is a remarkable lack of litter and vandalism, so I guess the logic does work out.

I agree in the main but the parish council chair and clerk in recent years has had regular moans about litter. At the new NT cafe I didn't see a bin when visiting at solstice but a week later the same litter was in the alley by the loos. As for vandalism even the church was vandalised in recent times. And what do we mean by vandalism? Painting the stones, climbing the stones and Silbury Hill, Ridgeway vehicle tracks, parking on verges, Ridgeway camping, people moving or taking archaeology home, breaking windows, lighting fires, defecating in people's gardens? These are all things mentioned in gripes.

I personally don’t want to see litter bins in and around the monument routes but a strategic bin at the NT café site would improve matters.
597 posts

Re: Developments at Avebury
Jul 05, 2011, 17:32
Like neighbourofthedrude I too

neighbourofthedrude wrote:
.... can't be arsed to read all the replies here so I'll just put in my suggestion and bugger off again.

There is only one thing I'd like to see at Avebury/Kennet/Silbury.

A BIG BLOODY SIGN on the A4 roadside fence of Silbury Hill telling people not to climb the mound!! Maybe in unison with an electric fence....



"Leaving your personal tat (dolls/tins/scraps of rag) at this site gives others the right to come around to yours and trash it."

neighbourofthedrude wrote:

Just put them out there for the dirty bastards to see and maybe use.
Sort me out a couple and I'll put them out myself.



5386 posts

Unemployed layabouts leave marks on Avebury stones
Jul 29, 2011, 15:11
Lanolin’s good for your skin but is it good for the stones?
4670 posts

Re: Unemployed layabouts leave marks on Avebury stones
Jul 29, 2011, 15:36
Littlestone wrote:
Lanolin’s good for your skin but is it good for the stones?

This is Fly-strike (Blow-Fly) season in the sheep world LS and the sheep rub their rear ends against stationary objects to get rid of the eggs or maggots if the fly has laid eggs on them. Having to deal with sheep that have fly strike and seeing what it can do to them if left, the stones would be the last thing on my mind...and I'm a devotee!!!
6214 posts

Re: Unemployed layabouts leave marks on Avebury stones
Jul 29, 2011, 15:48
Not technically unemployed either, are they?
2013 posts

Re: Unemployed layabouts leave marks on Avebury stones
Jul 29, 2011, 16:25
Or technically employed... Existing in a curious netherworld where they are paid with as much as they can eat to mow the grass.
2897 posts

Re: Unemployed layabouts leave marks on Avebury stones
Jul 29, 2011, 16:38
Actually (and as my name is attached to the photos) ;) I like sheep and have argued furiously in their favour as being admirable mowers, and.... took a much better photo of them rubbing their backsides against the concrete markers. But as Sanctuary has said they might have blow fly, perhaps that should be seen to.
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