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Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
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Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 12:25
Why are sites like Avebury plagued by arrogant or thoughtless fools who walk around the place with their dogs OFF the lead, allowing them to crap and piss all over the place whilst considering it beneath their dignity to clear the dog shit up and control their salivating pets?

I'm sure that does happen occasionally, Andy, but to be honest in all the years and all the times I've been to Avebury I've never seen any dog pooh there. Mind, there are bucket loads and bucket loads of sheep pooh at certain times, and walking through parts of the circle (not to mention sitting there) can require the dexterity of a ballet dancer. I suppose grazing sheep in the circle is a low-cost , environmentally-friendly way of keeping the grass short but it's hardly very attractive.

We could go off at a tangent here and list what we most dislike about Avebury (a good rant on TMA is long overdue ;-) Personally, I dislike people who think it's OK to build five new houses within spitting distance of the Henge. Or the management of the Red Lion who have one barman serving when there are thirty people waiting for a drink.

Most of all I dislike the idiots who think it's OK to climb the stones, or allow their children to climb them.

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