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Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
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Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 10, 2009, 23:22
Why are sites like Avebury plagued by arrogant or thoughtless fools who walk around the place with their dogs OFF the lead, allowing them to crap and piss all over the place whilst considering it beneath their dignity to clear the dog shit up and control their salivating pets? There seems to be some sort of mind set dog owner who feels that 'dogs on leads' signs only mean 'other' people's dogs as they clearly feel they are special enough to rise above the law.

I have dogs ... and I keep them on the lead in Avebury because it's responsible ... if they bark at some twat waving a stick about or kicking a ball at them you can appreciate their point ... but what is it about these people who are mostly 50+ who think it's their right to spoil places they would in general life profess to preserve by letting their dogs run amok and defecate amongst the ruins of our ancestors?

There are miles and miles of open spaces around Avebury where dogs may safely be allowed off for a run ...

The sorts of people concerned look at you like you are fit for castration if their f*****g mutt runs at your leashed dog and your dog barks! The National Trust don't control the twats and when I see school kids falling over in dog shit and old ladies feeling forced to put up 'polite notices' to the crazy fools who daily let their mutts shit bucket loads in Avebury it makes me angry! Grrrrrrrrrr!

They hoot on with words like Spiritual and Special in general life and yet their actions are so negative!

OK ... all dogs mess sometimes where they shouldn't but every F*****g day is disgusting.

Of course, if they read this they will think it applies to someone else ... but please ... if you see some twat with their dog off the lead in the middle of Avebury (not an escaped dog or a slipped it's lead dog) .... the twat type who says THEIR dogs that shit everywhere and cause a nuisance don't need dog leads types ... well shout at the F*****s and call the National Trust and humiliate them and maybe they will realize that they should keep their dog(ma) on the lead in Avebury (Rollrights, Stanton Drew, Nine Ladies ... etc. etc.) ...

SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT at them because they are spoiling it for your children!
2897 posts

Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 08:13
You obviously had a bad experience at Avebury meeting irresponsible dog owners... Now that your rant is over, there is another side to it as well, and that is the NT not providing a suitable bin for disposal, which of course means unsightly 'furniture' in the henge, so perhaps its best they do not.
In my town, its a £1000 fine for dog fouling, and open green spaces have bins for disposal, so as a dog owner I'm used to walking round with plastic bag in my pocket to clear up.
People do own unruly dogs, some people even have unruly children ;), some people get drunk, others take drugs and others have festivals in stone circles - think its down to the usual chaotic undisciplined nature of the human species occasionally accompanied by mad barking dogs ....
5386 posts

Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 12:25
Why are sites like Avebury plagued by arrogant or thoughtless fools who walk around the place with their dogs OFF the lead, allowing them to crap and piss all over the place whilst considering it beneath their dignity to clear the dog shit up and control their salivating pets?

I'm sure that does happen occasionally, Andy, but to be honest in all the years and all the times I've been to Avebury I've never seen any dog pooh there. Mind, there are bucket loads and bucket loads of sheep pooh at certain times, and walking through parts of the circle (not to mention sitting there) can require the dexterity of a ballet dancer. I suppose grazing sheep in the circle is a low-cost , environmentally-friendly way of keeping the grass short but it's hardly very attractive.

We could go off at a tangent here and list what we most dislike about Avebury (a good rant on TMA is long overdue ;-) Personally, I dislike people who think it's OK to build five new houses within spitting distance of the Henge. Or the management of the Red Lion who have one barman serving when there are thirty people waiting for a drink.

Most of all I dislike the idiots who think it's OK to climb the stones, or allow their children to climb them.
8112 posts

Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 13:18
Littlestone wrote:
Personally, I dislike people who think it's OK to build five new houses within spitting distance of the Henge.

Good point. Perspective is needed. If a thousand dogs relieved themselves a thousand times they'd do no lasting damage to the world heritage site, whereas....
94 posts

Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 13:47
Yup ... I am having a rant! LOL! A big huge enormous ****-off rant! I am clearly embracing middle age! But hey, read on:

Dog feces contain billions of coliform bacteria. These bacteria contaminate surface water when it is carried into storm drains, creeks, and lakes during storms. Coliforms are present in human waste, but our fecal matter is directed into sewage pipes in our houses and businesses. This sewage goes to waste water treatment plants which purify our water. Dog feces is left on the ground where it eventually finds its way into our natural waterways, contaminating and spoiling our swimming and fishing recreational areas. Current research has shown that dog feces is the one of the major player of this water pollution. Because of the serious environmental impact of fecal waste, it is paramount that all pet fecal waste is properly removed on a regular basis. Think about the next glass of water you drink. Is your water treatment plant doing its job?

Ho hum! Well that said it all really!

I hear the message about the new housing and find our planning laws as a whole bizarre! Yes I have had a bad experience resulting in some fool letting his wig with legs run across a road and at my leashed dogs ... and result? One injured lady needing an injection into her shoulder and a swollen knee ... all because her dog barked back and she slipped over on the ice as a result!
94 posts

Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 13:49
PS ... I'm a veggie and as such the fishing people can fall in dog shit for all I care about them ...
94 posts

Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 13:54
I feel sorry for the Red Lion as it's a managed house and as such, the brewery clearly knows that X amount of people will go there whether it's good or bad .... Not ideal I agree!

The houses ... oh dear! The whole planning farce in the UK is corporate corruption by another name ... if you want planning and you pay the authority concerned X amount of cash they usually let the developer have carte' blanche.

Rant about dogs .... I saw one of the culprits concerned with his dog on the lead today ... so I'll give him the benefit he was previously misguided.
2897 posts

Edited Jan 11, 2009, 14:40
Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 14:18
andygreyweather wrote:
I feel sorry for the Red Lion as it's a managed house and as such, the brewery clearly knows that X amount of people will go there whether it's good or bad .... Not ideal I agree!

The houses ... oh dear! The whole planning farce in the UK is corporate corruption by another name ... if you want planning and you pay the authority concerned X amount of cash they usually let the developer have carte' blanche.

Rant about dogs .... I saw one of the culprits concerned with his dog on the lead today ... so I'll give him the benefit he was previously misguided.

Is this called the cooling off period ;) as a vegetarian are you forgiving all meat eating people as well or do they deserve a fate worse than death... I don't know about the millions of bacteria that are floating down through the soil to contaminate our water supplies, but you have to agree people are not actually dying from dog poo poisoning....
Actually in defence of dogs the romans used them as healers, their spit contains antiseptic, mind you I don't know if it worked.....
5386 posts

Edited Jan 11, 2009, 16:40
Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 15:27
The houses ... oh dear! The whole planning farce in the UK is corporate corruption by another name ... if you want planning and you pay the authority concerned X amount of cash they usually let the developer have carte' blanche.

Ach! Now yer talking man!

And have you seen what they've done to the interior 'decoration' at the Lion! Jeeze, I might be forced to go back to drinking at the Waggon and Horses... no, better not. The Who'd of Thought It is still better than both pubs put together, though we woz in there a couple of weeks ago - zero degrees outside and no flippin' radiators on! I ask ya!

There's a new place just opened down the road which isn't bad - least they've got an open fire and free mince pies... called Outside Chance or summat.
463 posts

Re: Dogs off the lead / dogma on a lead
Jan 11, 2009, 17:39
I got to agree with most of what has been said by AGW.
Dog owners are responsible for their pets and should always clear up behind them. Not having bins around is not an excuse. Owners should carry a sealable container with them and then bag said poo and put in container for later disposal.
As for dogs on leads...I am a guilty party here as I let Rex roam about around the circle. I don't do it if there are livestock about and also if it is busy (but normally I would avoid Avebury then anyway). My excuse here is that Rex is quite well behaved and stays within a few yards of me and often ignores most other dogs unless he comes face to face. I think the problem here is with those owners who dogs can't be controlled (sometimes even when they are on leads).
So in the end of the day you are right but it should be remember that not all owner or their dog are the same and the good ones shouldn't be blamed for the behavour of the bad ones.

Don't even get me started on people who allow their kids to treat our heritage like a playground. It makes me........


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