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What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
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3681 posts

Re: BTW...
Jul 10, 2007, 06:30
That's probably where i picked it up from, i just needed a word that was over 8 letters long that no one else used as a pass for various sites, it's probably of no interest but originally i ws registered on here as 2541 [Grant Hart song, and one of the greatest tunes ever] but for some reason that didn't work so i used machineryelf instead.
I may have to drop it's use soon as my kids have picked up on it and the web is being choked with numerous machineryelves all with different outlooks, so if you come across a machineryelf anywhere else but here tell him to stop what he's doing and go tidy his room :-)
720 posts

Edited Dec 23, 2011, 04:48
Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 23, 2011, 04:48
I'm Sitting in a Room - Alvin Lucier
9547 posts

Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 23, 2011, 16:00
I can't believe I missed out on this thread. Actually I'd say it's Cabaret Voltaire's Red Mecca, only because I was so young at the time and had no idea people made music like this. It was totally by accident,as I was expecting it to be the album with "Just Fascination" on it (having heard that on the radio...)

Perhaps the first Whitehouse album Birthdeath Experience that I was lucky to find somewhere years later -- still memorably unlike anything else I've heard...

Records by the 700 Club, sarcastic, offbeat music satirizing suburban culture in the 80s. What else? Can't really think of anything, but generally the music I like is often weird to those sitting on a stump in Alabama somewhere...
2389 posts

Edited Dec 23, 2011, 16:48
Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 23, 2011, 16:47
The Residents - Satisfaction , for one
Sin Agog
Sin Agog
2253 posts

Edited Dec 23, 2011, 16:55
Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 23, 2011, 16:54
I have no limits! Well, Philosophy of the World does act a bit like a seasickness simulator for me, and I don't like that feeling, but I think that's mostly just some strange relationship I have with that record. Maybe it's because they're not in on the joke? Anyway, generally I can listen to everything from screaming noise to LaMonte Young-esque protracted one-note blips. I'm especially always on the look-out for people trying to add their own weird take on pop music without skimping on the catchy quotient.
936 posts

Edited Dec 23, 2011, 17:31
Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 23, 2011, 17:14
On the scale of normal -> far out, most of these choices aren't very weird at all imo, at least until you get to machineryelf's Alvin Lucier, gogmagog's Penderecki and that digital hardcore abomination mentioned more recently.

I find it hard to chose between the likes of Derek Bailey, Harry Partch, Iannis Xenakis, Giacinto Scelsi, Tibetan Ritual Music of the Nyingmapa, Drukpa and Cho Gu, Henry Kaiser, AMM, ICP, MEV, Gruppo Nuova Consonanza, Hans Reichel, Mnemonists, Penderecki, Ligeti, Francois Bayle, Pierre Henry, Bernard Parmegianni, Francois Bernard Mache, Luis De Pablo, Ivo Malec, Luc Ferrari, Luigi Nono, Olivier Messiaen, Conlon Nancarrow, Pierre Scaeffer, John Cage, Throbbing Gristle etc., all of whom I bought (vinyl) LPs (and even some CDs!) of and enjoy very much.

I have seen some weird live performances by The Residents, Locus Solus, Henry Kaiser, Fred Frith, Matthew Shipp, Crash Worship, The Art Ensemble of Chicago, Derek Bailey and concerts by musicians performing the music of Harry Partch, Iannis Xenakis, Giacinto Scelsi and Messiaen, but the oddest was probably The Residents gig. On another day I might say it was the Harry Partch or one of the Scelsi gigs.

It's not about "declaring I like weird stuff or my taste's just so fucked up, man" at all for me. I had formative experiences as a young'un in late-60s Japan that opened my mind to all kinds of sounds with genuine enjoyment. I like pop, rock, blues, jazz, dub/reggae, kosmische, psych, funk, folk, international, classical.... most of it isn't very weird to me, but seems to freak the fuck out of most people I meet who aren't music geeks like everyone here!
40 posts

Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 24, 2011, 11:07
Jandek, I suppose! I know he's a lot bigger & accepted nowadays that he plays live, & before that the whole mystery of his thang probably made him more well-known than he could've been, but I do honestly think he had some great, unique stuff. I don't listen to him very often but I got The Beginning and The Place out recently & was equal parts terrified, comforted, thrilled & absolutely pishin myself laughing as usual when it comes to Jandek.
He definately has some complete tripe (most of his 1999-onwards albums imo) but at his best I think he's a genuinely great songwriter with a real gift for improvising lyrics & songs. His more "poetic" pre-written stuff has some real peaks too.
Anyway, to answer the question, his weirdest one that I enjoy is probably The Electric End, but only really cos it's totally hilarious! Completely tuneless guitar acompanied by utterly random drumming & wordless vocals, FOR AGES. If you listen to one speaker only you can hear someone (the guitarist?) shout "what the hell are you doing? You're just yelling into the microphone, what's the matter with ya?", to which Jandek replies, dead seriously, "...I can't... woooOOAAAUUuugh... YAGGAYAGGAYAGGA!" etc etc for about 16 further minutes. It's not very often I get all the way through but the first 4 or 5 minutes are gold.
A more serious one would be Down In A Mirror, The Highway or Your Condition or somethin like that.
41 posts

Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 26, 2011, 00:17
Fish Heads - Barnes and Barnes

Deepinder Cheema
Deepinder Cheema
1972 posts

Edited Dec 26, 2011, 03:24
Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 26, 2011, 03:24
Electronik Supersonik and I am the Aniti-Pope by Zlad are pretty good. I think I understand why he decided to sing them in English.


3515 posts

Re: What's the weirdest record you've heard and enjoyed?
Dec 26, 2011, 17:01
I think it was the time my old mate Peter and I, very stoned, were playing 78 rpm Marlene Dietrich records at 33 1/3 rpm out into the airshaft.

It was a temporarily living work of art... the red-shifted Lili Marlene's voice echoing up and out the brick and glass blowhole of the apartment building...
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