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NEW FEATURE: Advice to Demonstrators After the Trashing of Millbank
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Re: NEW FEATURE: Advice to Demonstrators After the Trashing of Millbank
Nov 19, 2010, 17:56

I'm genuinely sorry that you feel I misrepresented you. I assure you i had not intention of it. As it was in reply to your post, which I haven't edited at all, I presumed that people would have read your post before mine, otherwise they're diving in the middle of a discussion and wouldn't make much sense of it.

You said "Of course, the worst thing about this crass statement, is that we are talking about it rather than the ethics of what happened. Bit of a shame".

I said "Incidentally, I completely agree that the worst thing on this thread is [Myers wrote:] that we are talking about it rather than the ethics of what happened."

I felt - still do - that it's a broad agreement, that whatever our different feelings about the terminology we spent so long discussing, it's a shame that it made the thread discuss that instead of some of the other issues involved.

I think it's fair enough when people select the bits of a post they're replying to to focus on, as long as the original remians intact.

Again, sorry you felt this was unfair.
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