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1696 posts

Re: Labour conferance
Oct 03, 2005, 15:18
The World could have been a better place without Saddam, but because our govts have handled the situation so badly, and have seemed ignorant of the complexities of the Middle East, I would say they have actually made it a worse place (for the timebeing at least).
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: Labour conferance
Oct 03, 2005, 15:27
Hey, Mike.

There's an annular eclipse today. I take it you'll be hiding in case it fucks with your mind like the last big one did.

By the way, that was a cracking joke you posted up last week.
2992 posts

true. lies.
Oct 03, 2005, 15:56
"I'm quite happy for you to stomp off again Mr angry."

I'm not actually doing any stomping Mike, but if the fantasy fits, I'm sure you can provide the facts...

"You're obviously not ready for the truth."

Oh but I am , SO, so ready for the truth, it's the lies you are telling that I have problems with. Lying and obfuscation make me angry. Politicians make me angry. Conspiracy theorists too. Try reading the "Seventh Pullet" by HH Munro. Here's a link to the free etext, Mr Blekinthrope. You may have to do some scrolling down, but it's there. The Seventh Pullet. Your number's up.

Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: Labour conferance
Oct 03, 2005, 18:17
Oil have to give that one a bit of thought.
2992 posts

Re: true. lies.
Oct 03, 2005, 18:18
"Maybe you'd like to list my lies so far Morfe"

Hmm, I'll start with the big one. Who you are. Once we lie about who we are...well...you get my drift.

Lie number 1.

Mike Croley: "I am a Reptile"

"Must dash, I have teenage minds to twist."

You did state that youngsters were more 'open' to your deceptions, except you call these deceptions, er, 'truths'. So you are actually aware of this position of power that you, as an adult, have over young minds. Like all religions and cults, you find it easier to convince young people that armageddon is coming (you also have the exact date, convenient), and people like you will save them from certain doom from the Evil one/Aliens (delete as applicable).

Same old same old. Put a date to armageddon, then canvass unprovable conspiracy/race theories coupled with a nice story about one's own Superbeing status.

Add a bit of New Age mysticism and a dash of numerology, and hey presto - a 'messiah' as studiedly unaccountable and self-absorbed as a politician or priest, but not quite so slick as either. Come ON man! Grow some big 'uns - admit you're not really a reptile but you do like David Icke a lot. It's ok, we are really nice people around truthfulness.
1696 posts

Re: Labour conferance
Oct 03, 2005, 18:23
They would need very different excuses for each of those countries - Syria being Baathist and Iran being an Islamic theocracy. However, something tells me that our govts will trot out the one size fits all "international terrorism" bollocks for them both if and when they feel capable of full scale interference.
I'm sure there are all kinds of very banal reasons (many that are probably contradictory) for wishing to "influence" events in the region - I only hope our politicians have realised that it's not so simple to do, is not always the right thing to do, and that force is the very worst way to do it.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: true. lies.
Oct 03, 2005, 18:31

Lies On Lies?
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: true. lies.
Oct 03, 2005, 18:54
"Hi Jonny, I don't know why people think I'm lying every time I put up a post!"

I'm not sure they do. It's more that they have no way of telling what is true and what are your flights of fantasy.

"I believe every single word that comes out of my mouth, I aint no liar."

Bush would take exactly the same stance. I don't what you expect to prove, or who you expect to convince, with a phrase like that.

"What makes me laugh is some folks reaction to articles I post that are not my words."

But you post them in support of your arguments.

"Morfe had a prime opportunity to educate himself by chatting with me but, well, he's not that bright so he gets angry through ignorance and vents it in my direction."

You do morfe a great disservice. Not bright? But you, of course, are.

One of the regularly observed signs of the would-be leader/despot is the dismissal of those who don't agree as somehow less and/or stupid.

"I really don't care what anyone thinks about me or my ideas.

Yeah, right!

"Once you've read my posts, they're there forever."

And that line from a big-time conspiracy theorist like you? Never mind your words, mike, you could disappear if you're right.


Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: true. lies.
Oct 03, 2005, 19:30
Just a few replies before I head off home.

"Whos fault is that?"

Yours, mike, all yours.

"Ignorance is stupidity Jon, nothing else."

Ignorance of what and whose ignorance, mike?

Or was it arrogance? If so, I know who we're talking about.

"And why do you think I don't care about that either then Jon?"

I'm worried you might be bit ill. You don't care about your life? A possible indicator of depression. Have you seen anyone about it, mike?
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: true. lies.
Oct 03, 2005, 20:02
See what I mean?
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