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Alexander Keiller's Avebury
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Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary Stage 1
Jan 25, 2013, 14:47
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
I'm very used to being called narrow minded, negative and a block to progress by detectorists for my opposition to their right to take stuff for themselves and the Head of PAS says my problem is I "won't get on the train to Liaisonville". Too right I won't.

It's all water off a duck's back!

Would it, I wonder, be more 'acceptable' Nigel as an 'Introduction to Avebury' from the east via the Sanctuary to recreate what we believe to be the original timber posts circles to the said Sanctuary? Archaeos have always pondered and even speculated over the first post or hut circle being roofed. That would look quite special I would have thought and although 'new' would almost certainly have had its own timbers replaced during its time. It would take the complex back to its believed beginnings and look brilliant and very educational. The further stages could be displayed on info boards but would be even better if displayed in the hut itself...all 15ft diameter of it, although the second stage being 35ft in diameter and also speculated as being roofed because of intervening 'thin' posts would be even better.
What do folk think of that as an alternative option?

Again better than horrible concrete posts, other's will say that they didn't know know what it really looked like and would be a folly because of this.

I'd have to agree with them. !
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