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Alexander Keiller's Avebury
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Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury
Jan 22, 2013, 17:07
VBB wrote:
VBB wrote:
Mustard wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
VBB wrote:
bladup wrote:
Rhiannon wrote:
They ARE both destroying the archaeology. That was precisely my point, did you not look at the document? That's the reason why a responsible archaeologist, thinking about the possibilities of the future, wouldn't go digging up everything all at once. Yes some stones from the beckhampton avenue were excavated, but they didn't go digging up the entire purported line of the stones - that leaves possibilities for the future, the 'sustainability' thing mentioned.

Also, medieval traces have things to tell us too - what about the things we can find out about why the stones were buried in the first place - is that not of interest to the history of Avebury? and illuminates attitudes to the stones in later times?
if you page down there's a section that mentions this
(stone destruction)

Like someone said before the government won't fund it, so we need a modern keiller, a Branston type with money to burn, someone who knows their money is for something bigger than them, someone who knows the keiller story and wants to finish what he started, I mean i wouldn't know Keillers name if it wasn't for his great work at Avebury, we should write a letter to all the British Billionares because they have the money but lots would love to make a name for themselves away from the business field, look at the muppets on dragons den going for the fame because it was the one thing that's hard to buy, If someone did put up the cash i think they'd become a national hero to some by doing it, if you don't ask you don't get, you'd just need to make them realise how great they'd look by doing it.

Branston - then we would be in a pickle! :)

He knows his onions though :-)

I bet he wouldn't worry unduly about leaving all the layers in tact ;)

There's no layers in mustard pickle, erm, pickle mustard, erm.. Doh......

Those onions in vinegar - was it SARSENS? :)

Haaaaaaaa that's a good one.
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