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Alexander Keiller's Avebury
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Edited Jan 21, 2013, 17:01
Re: Re; Avebury
Jan 21, 2013, 15:43
Littlestone wrote:
Mustard wrote:

By way of a practical and recent example to illustrate the point, does anyone really feel that a muddy piece of churned up ground was preferable to this?


No more than the Staffordshire Hoard should have been left in its own muddy piece of churned up ground. Thankfully, the Hoard is now safe and not only giving the world a glimpse into the wonders of Anglo-Saxon craftsmanship but also filling in yet another gap in our understanding of that period.

We could apply the same argument to this discussion.


Avebury 'appears' to have been a carefully planned project taking many years to complete. I don't have any doubts that there was a basic blueprint in mind but of course have no way of proving that. Much of it we know of and marvel at and maybe form opinions on judged by what we can see. I wonder if those ideas would be enhanced or changed in any way if it was complete and we could walk up the Beckhampton Avenue, through and around the Great Circle, then down the WKA and finally arriving at the Sanctuary on Overton Hill. Just the thought of it's planning, organising, building and moment of completion makes the mind boggle and constantly brings home to me how amazing our great ancestors were. All of that was left for us and we as a Nation have a duty to maintain and preserve it on their behalf because they are no longer here to do it for themselves. Those in the more recent past that took it upon themselves to abuse that duty are also gone, but now, due to advances in technology and a far greater understanding of our past, have a real chance to retify the situation and put back that which they tore down or destroyed where possible.
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