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Alexander Keiller's Avebury
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Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary
Jan 24, 2013, 14:20
Mustard wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Mustard wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:

Aye, it is interesting, and re brains being wired differently, responding to differnet things, I think theres every chance thats true!
Why are we even interested in this subject anyway, for example?
I do ask myself that from time to time. Its like I 'recognised' something, when I first encountered ancient sites. I'm extremely drawn to the subject, but, really, why?!
I can atrribute it to all sorts of things, but I don't think that question can be fully answered, if you know what I mean.

I put it down to childhood entertainment ;)

I think in the 80s when I was growing up, children's TV and literature was positively saturated with references to our historic and mythic landscape.I reckon that was a big factor that influenced my interest in such things.

You may well be on to something there, but without wishing to get all mystic meg, I feel its already 'inside' in some way, and the literature/TV etc simply unlocks it, or helps you to recognise it in yourself.

Quite possible. I've never understood people who can look at Avebury with disinterest, and say "but I don't get it... it's just a bunch of stones?".

It was an even lesser bunch before Keiller turned up, what would they have said then?!
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