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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
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2387 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 17:00
Not been the best week, we buried my Dad on Monday, dratted chest infections and flu finally got the better of him. Feeling a little lost at the minute.

But A Jason Pierce said, music is medicine for the soul, and I've found plenty to to take my mind of of things.

Constantines - Tournament of Hearts/ Shine A Light
Just the right mix of melancholy and a uplifting, I think the guy singing has one of the best voices in rock. t times yearning and downbeat, but also ragged and soulful, great band, pity they're still not around.

Soul Jazz, Deutsche Electronische Musik comp Vol: 1.
Kosmische and Kraut flights of fancy in a great running order.

Iggy Pop - New Values
Must have repeated 'Endless Sea' about 50 times, just hit the spot.

Stereolab - Transient Random Noise Bursts With Announcements.
Had this for years, but never seemed to get played as much as say 'Cobra and Phases...' Pretty good LP, I knew more tracks than I recall, probably from other Stereolab compilations, but hey, I enjoyed it a lot.

Can - Lost Tapes
Been floating my boat a lot of late.

Broadcast - Tender Buttons/ Ha Ha Sound/ Fav Tracks compilation CDr
Kinda fitted in with my mood this week, played all these quite a bit.

Bowie - Man Who Sold The World
After the Danny Baker album show on BBC4 last week, dipped into my own Bowie archive. This is deffo one of my fav' Bowie albums. For me it has a slightly sinister vibe hanging over the whole record that I find quite unsettling. Esp the track 'After All', which has always given me the willies, probably more so than the 'Bewley Brothers', which also has a haunting air to it.

Nightmares on Wax - Smokers Delight
Great mix of soul, R&B and funk inna ambient stylee.

Magazine - Real Life/Second Hand Daylight
These hit the spot big time this week. I can remember my Dad being a bit put out when i blasted 'Permafrost' at full volume as a teen. "You can't play that, those bloody lyrics are obscene, what will the neighbours think". Still, blasted it out anyway when they were not around, mainly after school.

Grails - Doomsayers Holiday
I just love the Grails, can listen to them just about any time. Not quite as good as 'Burning Off Impurities', but a close second.

Have a good week y'all.
2270 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 17:18
Fuck, my sincerest condolences mate. Dunno what else to say other than I hope you're just about coping okay. Death's a bitch, man. :(
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 17:26
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope you're managing as well as can be expected under the circs. Vibes mate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 17:44
Really sorry to hear of your loss dude. Vibes and thoughts to you and yours at this sad time x
3075 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 17:47
Deepest sympathies to you and yours, Monganaut. Vibes~~~~~~
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Edited Feb 10, 2013, 21:23
Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 18:21
Here we go...

Budgie - Squawk/Bandolier/Never Turn Your Back on a Friend/In for The Kill.
Loves em!!

Dead Beyond Buried - The Dark Era.
Capricorns - ST/River Bear Your Bones/Ruder Forms Survive
Radiohead - Hail to the Thief.
Carlton Melton - Country Ways
Headspace - I Am Anonymous
Sugar - Copper Blue
Black Rainbows - Carmina Diabolo

Ultrasound - Play for Today. Knew they'd reformed, didn't know an album was out until serendipity worked her magics again. I like this a lot - huge hooks and melodies but the adventurousness of the first time round is still present albeit in a more economical form.

The Holydrug Couple - Noctuary. Very nice although sometimes the vocals slip a bit uncomfortably into atonal, yelpy territory in that 'can't sing but I'll try anyway' way but, on the whole, I like v much!

Swilson - Demonology/Cool Skull. Roky Erikson has been referred to in reviews and I'd add a rockier, Skellington era Julian to that. Rough, ready and slightly unhinged. Tis good!

Ruby The Hatchet - st mini album/Ouroborous. Cool, female fronted stonery/occult riffage. The mini album is a tad rougher but the album proper rocks. Good stuff it be.

Blue Horses - Dragon's Milk & Coal. Nice twin fiddle-fuelled folk rock from Wales that operates somewhere between traditional stuff, NMA/Levellers & Inkkubus Sukkubus. Sadly, no longer going.

Nutz - Hard Nutz. Prime slice of second division 70's hard rock. Some great organ stuff and prog flourishes mixed with boogie and riffery. An...judicious use of talk-box AND clavinet. (Thanks Ian!)

Lone Star - st. Another lost 70s rock gem featuring latter-day UFO guitarist Paul Chapman.! (also Thanks Ian)

Band of Skulls - Sweet Sour. Loves em!

Pop Levi - Medicine. Another sterling slice of electro tinged glam stomp and rock n roll from Mr. Levi. Zep, Prince & Bolan jostle for space as is the norm with Pop Levi. A lotta fun.

Audrey Horne - ST. Various Black Metal alumni take time of their infernal day (night) jobs to make grunge tinted/70s rock inspired riffery as named after Sherilyn Fenn's (dribble) cherry-stalk twisting minx in Twin Peaks.

Rick Redbeard - No Selfish Heart. The Phantom Band frontman in folky singer-songwritery mode and very nice it is too. His voice really suits the sparse instrumentation and arrangements and there are lovely songs of life, love and loss. Just add alcohol for actual tears.

Obelyskkh - White Lightnin'. This is rather excellent. Psyche doom and stoner blended with hints of archaic prog and avant-noise. Lots to stroke the mind with in a heavy way.

EyeHateGod - Take As Needed For Pain. Savage sludgedoom riffery, like being punched in the face by a hairy redneck on crystal meth.

Dir En Grey - Uroboros. Japanese alt-metal band throw many things into the blender to pleasing effect.

Have a nice week x
2387 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 18:42
Sincerest Thanks to all, It's deffo not been the easiest of weeks, but I can honestly say that my blackest thoughts have been alleviated through the salve of music, and a great family, both immediate and extended.

My Dad was 91 and had been getting frail for quite a while, we knew it(death) was on the horizon, but it's still a shock when it finally arrives. TBH not really sunk in fully, he's always been there for some well placed advice or a hug, and considering his generation, he was genuinely a cool, compassionate, caring and loving guy.

Compared to my relatively safe life, he lived through extraordinary times and circumstances, and because of WWII and what came after, lived a life very much on the edge, filled with both peril and adventure.

I think if he could look back, he'd consider it a life well lived.
He left us a bunch of notebooks about his early life which have to be seen to be believed. He really was a special guy and will be sorely missed.
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 19:10
stray wrote:

Dadala - Baktun Memories. Nicely deranged. Get it here http://dadalamusic.com/discs__downloads/baktun_mementos

Sounds interesting so I shall. Thank you.
3681 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 20:10
Aidan Baker/Tim Hecker – Fantasma Paratasie
Our Love Will Destroy The World – Thousands Raised To The Sixth
REM – Out of Time
BBC Radiophonic Workshop – A Retrospective
Scott Walker – 4
Nico – Desertshore
The Orson Family – Bugles, Guitars, Amphetamines the Spice of Life
Meteors – Live
AC/DC Let There Be Rock
KISS – Double Platinum
Rory Gallagher – Live In Europe
Free – Live
Alice Cooper – Love It To Death
Nutz – Too
Foghat – Live
Aerosmith – Live Bootleg
Deep Purple – Fireball
Whitesnake – Live in the Heart of the City
Montrose – S/T, Paper Money
Nazareth – Hair of the Dog, No Mean City, Loud n Proud
3681 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 10 February 2013 CE
Feb 10, 2013, 20:13
Deepest sympathy to you & yours at your loss
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