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A message to Barack Obama
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3515 posts

A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 15:47
Quit trying to make friends with the Republicans, man. They hate you. They are doing everything they can to destroy you. You HAVE been trying to deal with issues relevant to the nation as a whole (the economy, healthcare, national security) and STILL you are the target of obstructionist goons who want to drag us backwards.

Show some backbone, motherfucker! GET TOUGH! Quit giving olive branches to the swinebags who harbor nothing but contempt for you. You were not elected to 'bring the country together'. You were elected to advance a progressive agenda. Your constituency is not the whole country... the right-leaning scumbags have their own elected congressmen and senators. If they can't put enough of 'em in office to counter you, so be it.

Use your mandate, ram it down the squawking craws of those idiots who can't or won't understand that what you seek to accomplish will benefit them too. The rank and file Republicans are hit with the same outrageous healthcare costs, the same egregious banking fees, the same dwindling prospects, and STILL they kowtow to the idle rich's propaganda machine... they are dupes and idiots. Ignore them if they don't know what's good for them.

You've been a huge disappointment to your fans, man. You came in promising change. Instead, you've largely given us more of the same. I myself was never wooed by your promises. But millions of dedicated people who gave you their support, without reserve, are waiting for you to step up to the plate and champion the ideals you claimed to have.

So, FUCK the Republicans, FUCK the right wing, FUCK the FoxNews zombies. FIGHT! GET MEAN! Because ironically this is the only language the bastards appreciate. If you want THEIR respect, you're going to have to stop appeasing them and KICK THEIR ASS.

501 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 17:06
I bet he reads this, next time he is checking up on stone circles or ageing Rockers
2057 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 17:09
But.. but.. he needs the Freak vote dude. ;)
501 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 17:19
stray wrote:
But.. but.. he needs the Freak vote dude. ;)

HA! never underestimate the freak vote!!!
3515 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 17:23
pooley wrote:
stray wrote:
But.. but.. he needs the Freak vote dude. ;)

HA! never underestimate the freak vote!!!

It's true. People with grossly swollen heads voted for Obama 10 to 1.
Popel Vooje
5373 posts

Edited Jan 13, 2010, 21:52
Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 18:00
Whilst I agree in principle with everything you've said, I can't say I'm that surprised by his attempts to appease the opposition. Did you ever really think he was going to amount to anything other than a neo-Bill Clinton?

I thought the chinks in his armour started to appear almost as soon as he was voted in, when he had the opportunity to close down Guantanamo by executive order and didn't. For sure, it must have been a huge relief to get rid of Bush, but it was inevitable that Obama would be found wanting once the honeymoon period was over. Not that that fact should discourage anyone from taking him to task over his weaknesses, mind...
3515 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 18:06
Popel Vooje wrote:
Not that that fact should discourage anyone from taking him to task over his weaknesses, mind...

I certainly hope that nobody on the left is of the opinion that Obama should be shielded from criticism from his own party. A big part of why Bush was such a lousy president was that he surrounded himself with 'yes' men and pretended that he could do no wrong.
300 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 21:24
Do you really think Obama is going to change anything? He really is just an illusion of change and would not be president if change was truly on offer..
the economic crises is deeper than we know and the republicans have given the democrats free range to fuck up so they can come back with a vengence and gain the backing of the masses...Watch this space..
3515 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 23:44
Ziggypop wrote:
Do you really think Obama is going to change anything? He really is just an illusion of change and would not be president if change was truly on offer..
the economic crises is deeper than we know and the republicans have given the democrats free range to fuck up so they can come back with a vengence and gain the backing of the masses...Watch this space..

I do have my strong suspicion that McCain chose Palin with the intention of losing the election, so that Obama could be the fall guy for all the shit that's hitting the fan.

You may well be right.
2561 posts

Re: A message to Barack Obama
Jan 13, 2010, 23:46
Take this the right way. We all saw Bush's pathetic attempts to help New Orleans after the hurricane. With the disaster in Haiti here's a chance to for Obama to act with dignity and caring. Offer the country some real assistance and hope for the building of the future (infrastructure, schools, health, food etc..), but at the same time don't interfere with countries political/natural leanings, let Haiti sort that out for themselves. Mind you the same goes for the rest of the world as well.
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