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grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Re: dubya and the taliban?
Nov 07, 2001, 13:50
you write:
I think one of your points speaks against itself though. A lot of money is going into shipping oil in the other direction. That means that a huge market is not being directly catered for directly and to serve that market currently must impose great shipping costs. I know those shipping costs aren't as big as the initial expense of laying a pipeline but the pipeline is an asset on the companies books, using shipping lanes isn't.

i don't think that analysis holds together. the plan (as i understand it) that was mooted was the idea of piping the oil to the southern pakistan coast and putting it onto tankers there for sale in the south and east asian markets. the differences between doing that and piping it to Ceyhan, Turkey and putting it on tankers there is negligible (especially when you factor in the oil can be piped directly to europe via the russian pipeline network, freeing up saudi supplies - currently tankered through the Suez - to feed those markets in Asia... why build a new tanker port in pakistan when you can use the multitude of saudi ports on the same sea?!)
10943 posts

Re: oil conspiracy mad
Nov 07, 2001, 13:50
How does the evidence that the US warned the Taliban that they would be attacked in October fit in with this?

Three American officials: Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia), meet with Taliban representatives in Berlin and tell them that the U.S. is planning military strikes against Afghanistan in October. Also present are Russian and German intelligence officers who confirm the threat. [Source: The Guardian, September 22, 2001; the BBC, September 18, 2001.]
taken from http://www.copvcia.com/stories/nov_2001/lucy.html

Was it these warnings that actually sparked off the attacks on Sept. 11th? Are the US feeling a little stupid right now?
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Re: meeting the taliban
Nov 07, 2001, 13:51
i go into that project in great depth at:

i'm not sure there's much point in me cutting and pasting it to here.

2992 posts

Re: Afghanistan
Nov 07, 2001, 13:54
Jim, could you tell me which news item that was please?

Thanks for the link to your pages re oil-conspiracy, it's one argument that seems to have a global dearth of real understanding, impressive. I must admit I'm getting sick and tired of listening to either pro-conspiracists or flag-waving US armchair Navy Seals, neither of whom are making a blind bit of difference in reality, even the radicals are so often led by their nose rings up dead end Conspiracy Avenue, which of course leaves plenty of unexplored 'legal' loopholes to be exploited by the same old bunch.

I just read puckoon, and am cured of all ills ;-)

10943 posts

Re: dubya and the taliban?
Nov 07, 2001, 13:55
The future may well hold great restriction on transit of goods via road/sea/air due to ecological pressures brought about by dudes like us. Would it not be prudent to take steps now to reduce these transit liabilities and thus claim self regulation and improved responsibility to try and stop more punative measures being forced by law?

This would not be a new tactic.
10943 posts

Re: Afghanistan
Nov 07, 2001, 14:00
I don't consider my views 'conspiracy theory'ist here. I do not subscribe that only one of the many possible reasons voices is the only reason for it all.

I'm saying it isn't purely 'retribution'.
2057 posts

Re: Afghanistan
Nov 07, 2001, 14:04
ditto fourwinds.

and if anyone ever tries to lead me by my nose ring I'll slap em silly. Right after I've stopped crying that is.
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

daisy cutter news article
Nov 07, 2001, 14:11
it's on the Sky News site, but i'm certain i read it somewhere else too...

cancer boy
cancer boy
977 posts

Re: Afghanistan
Nov 07, 2001, 14:12
Morfe dude,

Here's a link to a diagram and so on:


According to this they have a "Deep Throat" bomb as well - do they have a marketing department or something?
10943 posts

Re: daisy cutter news article
Nov 07, 2001, 14:13
I heard it on the radio while buying a bacon andwich this morning. Daisy Cutters indeed.

I have this image that they are made by Qualcast.
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