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Silbury Hill trespassers
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1986 posts

Edited Jan 08, 2013, 16:29
Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 16:18
Nice, you want me electrocuted, you sound great, no wonder your always looking for people to live with you, you and no telly, i'd rather be electrocuted, It's not hard to cut a wire, my name is Blades, I see by the photo that you used to go up, very interesting.
Steve M
44 posts

Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 16:37
Yes, I was there, but not climbing.
I was in shamanic flight.
1986 posts

Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 17:56
Well that would have freaked me out, seeing a camera flying around on it's own, would you really like to see razor wire at Silbury [or anywhere]? I think that would be a sad sad day, I just wish people would stay off when it's wet [as that's when the most damage occurs].
3615 posts

Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 18:14
bladup wrote:
Well that would have freaked me out, seeing a camera flying around on it's own, would you really like to see razor wire at Silbury [or anywhere]? I think that would be a sad sad day, I just wish people would stay off when it's wet [as that's when the most damage occurs].

If Steve is going to start posting here you better get used to his sense of humour ...
I travel to Oxford sometimes on a bus which calls into the entrance of Shrivenham Military base/college. The outer perimeter has a high fence with razor wire coiled around the top, the fence is also patrolled by guard dogs. No disrespect to the person who brought 'razor wire' into the debate but to be honest I'd rather see Silbury fall down.

Apologies to Nigel Swift for an earlier post made by me. I'm afraid this subject makes me a bit grumpy - Silbury is potentially unstable, however many assurances are given to the contrary, especially in flood conditions. Lets all go and have a party at Stonehenge and leave Silbury in peace. The people who climbed it in the past (pre-2000) did so in ignorance. There are no excuses now.
Evergreen Dazed
1881 posts

Edited Jan 08, 2013, 19:22
Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 18:19
tjj wrote:
bladup wrote:
Well that would have freaked me out, seeing a camera flying around on it's own, would you really like to see razor wire at Silbury [or anywhere]? I think that would be a sad sad day, I just wish people would stay off when it's wet [as that's when the most damage occurs].

If Steve is going to start posting here you better get used to his sense of humour ...
I travel to Oxford sometimes on a bus which calls into the entrance of Shrivenham Military base/college. The outer perimeter has a high fence with razor wire coiled around the top, the fence is also patrolled by guard dogs. No disrespect to the person who brought 'razor wire' into the debate but to be honest I'd rather see Silbury fall down.

Apologies to Nigel Swift for an earlier post made by me. I'm afraid this subject makes me a bit grumpy - Silbury is potentially unstable, however many assurances are given to the contrary, especially in flood conditions. Lets all go and have a party at Stonehenge and leave Silbury in peace. The people who climbed it in the past (pre-2000) did so in ignorance. There are no excuses now.

VBB mentioned the last he heard razor wire was being discussed as a possibilty.

I don't think anybody would like to see that. I was saying that if they really *needed* to keep people off the hill, they could, pretty much, by choosing that option. But obviously I can't imagine anybody wants it to come to that.

Rather strange comment of yours that you'd 'rather see Silbury fall down'.
Rather see it fall down than have to be (far from ideally) protected?
558 posts

Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 19:01
tjj wrote:
bladup wrote:
Well that would have freaked me out, seeing a camera flying around on it's own, would you really like to see razor wire at Silbury [or anywhere]? I think that would be a sad sad day, I just wish people would stay off when it's wet [as that's when the most damage occurs].

No disrespect to the person who brought 'razor wire' into the debate but to be honest I'd rather see Silbury fall down.

That might have been me, I may have mentioned that is how discussions ended, and no one wanted to see it not least because of the aesthetics. Same problem goes for the path round the base or perimeter. In 2001 the first annual protest meeting was held at the site on the anniversary of the collapse, and having agreed everyone should stay off, bless 'em they all bar very few did. One only hopes the same will apply now.

I would though correct the impression that this is only a wet weather problem. Those monitoring the site several times a week have been recording the wear since 2008, the wear takes place throughout and is just worse in wet or warm weather, not least because more feet are attracted to climb when it isn't raining thus etching the archaeology away when it is dry.
4670 posts

Edited Jan 08, 2013, 19:13
Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 19:12
VBB wrote:
tjj wrote:
bladup wrote:
Well that would have freaked me out, seeing a camera flying around on it's own, would you really like to see razor wire at Silbury [or anywhere]? I think that would be a sad sad day, I just wish people would stay off when it's wet [as that's when the most damage occurs].

No disrespect to the person who brought 'razor wire' into the debate but to be honest I'd rather see Silbury fall down.

That might have been me, I may have mentioned that is how discussions ended, and no one wanted to see it not least because of the aesthetics. Same problem goes for the path round the base or perimeter. In 2001 the first annual protest meeting was held at the site on the anniversary of the collapse, and having agreed everyone should stay off, bless 'em they all bar very few did. One only hopes the same will apply now.

I would though correct the impression that this is only a wet weather problem. Those monitoring the site several times a week have been recording the wear since 2008, the wear takes place throughout and is just worse in wet or warm weather, not least because more feet are attracted to climb when it isn't raining thus etching the archaeology away when it is dry.

A serious question. Is there any evidence to indicate that the hill has shrunk in height at all?
5386 posts

Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 19:18
Sanctuary wrote:
VBB wrote:
tjj wrote:
bladup wrote:
Well that would have freaked me out, seeing a camera flying around on it's own, would you really like to see razor wire at Silbury [or anywhere]? I think that would be a sad sad day, I just wish people would stay off when it's wet [as that's when the most damage occurs].

No disrespect to the person who brought 'razor wire' into the debate but to be honest I'd rather see Silbury fall down.

That might have been me, I may have mentioned that is how discussions ended, and no one wanted to see it not least because of the aesthetics. Same problem goes for the path round the base or perimeter. In 2001 the first annual protest meeting was held at the site on the anniversary of the collapse, and having agreed everyone should stay off, bless 'em they all bar very few did. One only hopes the same will apply now.

I would though correct the impression that this is only a wet weather problem. Those monitoring the site several times a week have been recording the wear since 2008, the wear takes place throughout and is just worse in wet or warm weather, not least because more feet are attracted to climb when it isn't raining thus etching the archaeology away when it is dry.

A serious question. Is there any evidence to indicate that the hill has shrunk in height at all?

A serious answer. Sensors were laid along the length of the Atkinson Tunnel before it was filled and the entrance closed. I haven’t seen or heard of any data from those sensors – anyone?
8112 posts

Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 19:27
VBB wrote:
I would though correct the impression that this is only a wet weather problem. Those monitoring the site several times a week have been recording the wear since 2008, the wear takes place throughout and is just worse in wet or warm weather, not least because more feet are attracted to climb when it isn't raining thus etching the archaeology away when it is dry.

I strongly agree, and here's proof, a picture taken in September 2010. http://heritageaction.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/silbury2g.jpg
4670 posts

Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
Jan 08, 2013, 19:41
nigelswift wrote:
VBB wrote:
I would though correct the impression that this is only a wet weather problem. Those monitoring the site several times a week have been recording the wear since 2008, the wear takes place throughout and is just worse in wet or warm weather, not least because more feet are attracted to climb when it isn't raining thus etching the archaeology away when it is dry.

I strongly agree, and here's proof, a picture taken in September 2010. http://heritageaction.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/silbury2g.jpg

I'll pop down with Chief next week and get those darn sheep off the hill. They cause more problem in my field then ever I do walking over it when its soft.
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