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Trees and stones with powers to throw?
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4670 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 08:33
nigelswift wrote:
Resonox wrote:
And..why do the vast majority of people with this marvellous 1st time success rate...never keep it up?

Actually, everyone can have rods cross 100% of the time at precise, predicted visible spots and without moving their hands.

Sort of moving on a tad. The 'connection' is presumably between the dowser and the 'force' beneath, because the rods won't cross if they are 'held' in position on an inanimate object will they?
8112 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 08:38
4670 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 10:26
nigelswift wrote:

Is that a yes to the dowser/earth force connection or yes it still works when held by an inanimate object?
5758 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 10:35
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:

Is that a yes to the dowser/earth force connection or yes it still works when held by an inanimate object?

The rods are often held in plastic containers like empty biros and still "work" .
3926 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 10:43
I've often mentioned the dowsing demo I saw at the Rollrights, where the bloke was blatantly moving his hands to get a result, whether he realised he was doing it or not. "Is there a burial here?" *Moves hands to make rods rotate clockwise* "Yes!" Erm. No. Unless you buried someone there. ;) I don't know if there's a burial there. I'd guess not, but the point is, he moved those rods. A few gasps from people who'd not noticed, and you there's your believers! Maybe it was sheer coincidence and he'd inadvertently found an underground watercourse. :D

G x
8112 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 10:55
It still works when held by an inanimate object. For instance, if you attach the rods to the front of your bike...

But you need ten seconds training, which I can provide here and now - providing you are willing to believe and to bring no element of skepticism to the process.

Do you agree to the terms?

953 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 11:02
goffik wrote:
I've often mentioned the dowsing demo I saw at the Rollrights, where the bloke was blatantly moving his hands to get a result, whether he realised he was doing it or not. "Is there a burial here?" *Moves hands to make rods rotate clockwise* "Yes!" Erm. No. Unless you buried someone there. ;) I don't know if there's a burial there. I'd guess not, but the point is, he moved those rods. A few gasps from people who'd not noticed, and you there's your believers! Maybe it was sheer coincidence and he'd inadvertently found an underground watercourse. :D

G x

For what it's worth.... guess I should mention some years back - August 03 - I took my mum (very much open to new experiences) and my Dad (the complete opposite, won't even watch a biopic on Darwin) over to Kent and The Chestnuts. The lady who has the chamber in her garden hands out dowsing rods for punters to have a go.. don't know if she still does.

Anyway, I REALLY wanted it to work for me. Nothing. I think my mum had a little response....maybe. But my Dad? The rods were moving all over the place, absolutely freaking him - and us - out. He really didn't know what to say. Of course he could have had some subconscious reaction to his denial of such stuff (a case of 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks'). Or he could have been the perfect medium because he really, really didn't want it to work. Dunno.
4670 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 12:30
nigelswift wrote:
It still works when held by an inanimate object. For instance, if you attach the rods to the front of your bike...

But you need ten seconds training, which I can provide here and now - providing you are willing to believe and to bring no element of skepticism to the process.

Do you agree to the terms?


Only if you don't charge me too much only I know what you charlatans are like :-)
8112 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 12:41
OK, a quid it is!

Point rods forward, marginally downwards and marginally converging.
(Mounting them on a bike or the roof of a 4x4 is optional).

Go forward and when a particular point is reached, accelerate marginally. Rods will cross.
Say Aaah.
Marginally decelerate, rods will uncross.
Turn round. Repeat.
When rods cross again say Aaa-haa!

(Variations include starting with the rods marginally diverging, whereupon they’ll fly apart at the relevant moment or mounting them on a dog’s back and shouting “walkies!” at the crucial moment.)

I’ve done (some) of the above. ;) I’m NOT saying dowsing doesn’t exist and is all faked but making the point that rods can appear to have an amazing and confusing life of their own and to be reacting to an unknown force when in fact they may be actually obeying a subtle combination of good old gravity and Newton’s laws with absolute obedience.

Trouble is the above "marginal" stuff can be applied by we charlatons without observers being able to see, so real and fake performances appear indistinguishable. That's why scientific observation and testing is king IMO.
4670 posts

Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw?
May 13, 2012, 18:25
nigelswift wrote:
OK, a quid it is!

Point rods forward, marginally downwards and marginally converging.
(Mounting them on a bike or the roof of a 4x4 is optional).

Go forward and when a particular point is reached, accelerate marginally. Rods will cross.
Say Aaah.
Marginally decelerate, rods will uncross.
Turn round. Repeat.
When rods cross again say Aaa-haa!

(Variations include starting with the rods marginally diverging, whereupon they’ll fly apart at the relevant moment or mounting them on a dog’s back and shouting “walkies!” at the crucial moment.)

I’ve done (some) of the above. ;) I’m NOT saying dowsing doesn’t exist and is all faked but making the point that rods can appear to have an amazing and confusing life of their own and to be reacting to an unknown force when in fact they may be actually obeying a subtle combination of good old gravity and Newton’s laws with absolute obedience.

Trouble is the above "marginal" stuff can be applied by we charlatons without observers being able to see, so real and fake performances appear indistinguishable. That's why scientific observation and testing is king IMO.

Will you take a cheque :-)
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