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Music for Megaliths
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Re: the origins of modern rock music
Jan 07, 2010, 14:18
tjj wrote:
fitzcoraldo wrote:


Not quite playing the megaliths but given the prehistoric cumbrians eye for a nice piece of stone...who knows?...perhaps the group VI axes found throughout our islands are actually lithophones (-:

As for music at the stones, I'm old school and prefer the soundtrack that's already there.


The Musical Stones of Skiddaw are fascinating; I first heard of them on a Radio 4 feature a while back.

If by "I'm old school and prefer the soundtrack that's already there" you mean the sound of birds (down south it skylarks, swallows, goldcrests to name but a few) or the high pitched screek of buzzards or a kestral overhead - then I'm totally with you.
Then there is always the wind.

Great thread though, lots insights into the personalities that post here - all good.


True June, the wind is general always present. Other elements of the soundtrack around my neck of the woods are, running water, chattering grouse, mad scattering cock pheasants ,the manic peewit of a trespassed lapwing and the mournful cry of a solitary snipe.
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