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The Rotherwas serpent
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Edited Jul 30, 2007, 04:04
Re: The Rotherwas serpent
Jul 30, 2007, 03:47
An update on the council meeting last Friday which seems to have some good news in its content......

It was confirmed that "no irreversible action will be taken for several weeks". and that the exposed part of the Serpent will be be covered with sand and geoflex membrane.
Small snippets below, but the full report on the meeting can be read here;


1.. "The Council resolves to ensure that no irreversible action be taken that would prejudice the preservation or the potential for access, if appropriate, to what as currently advised is a site of archaeological importance.

2.. That Council notes that work on the construction of the Rotherwas Relief Road in that area is currently suspended (NB some works are being undertaken to protect the site) and that Cabinet be asked to address the issue of the appropriate approach to completion of the Rotherwas Relief Road in the context of the advice to be received from English Heritage as to the best method of preserving the archaeological remains"....
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