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1629 posts

Re: Worcestershire Ramble part 2
Jun 30, 2003, 14:56
And this ties in with what Morfe is saying about his mistrust of the word "nature" (which implies that we are something separate from nature). When I see a bird's nest I am reminded of a house, and when I see an ant-hill or a bee's nest I am reminded of a city. I cannot call anything made by human hands anything but natural. We are a part of nature, and therefore everything we make is natural. Ultimately I agree with you, though, Nigel. I choose to live in the countryside, not the city, after all. But I am not blind to the beauty of humanity's works, even those works that are destroying our world. Indeed, I often feel a strange sense of guilt for finding such things as the Redcar steelworks beautiful. I'd sooner have the heath every time, mind you!

And isn't that what's great about ancient monuments? Humanity leaving permanent marks on the landscape for the first time. But what marks! So in harmony with their natural surroundings (unlike the cement works near my home!). This is one of the things I find the most thrilling about such places - to see humanity and nature working together, in harmony.

To finish here's a quote from Keats (Ode on a Grecian Urn):

"Beauty is truth, and truth beauty, - that is all
Ye know on earth and all ye need to know"
1629 posts

Re: Not done!
Jun 30, 2003, 14:57
Morfe, O horned one!

This'll be quite a short reply because I can't really say anything but "right on, I agree with all of that"!

"We modern people look at spirituality and rationalism in a polarising fashion, I find this to be a core error (I'm being brave) in modern thought."

That's at the very heart of what I believe, and I couldn't put it any better than that.

I like the way you (correctly, in my view) point the finger at reductionism. We Moderns have such a tendency to belittle the wondrous by saying that its "just" something or "merely" another thing. Statements like this (for example - "its just aesthetics") are made from a perspective without a sense of wonder. Wonder is a wonderful thing, don't you think?

By the way, Morfe, I loved your description (in the Hernea thread) of your encounters with the horned one whilst alone in the woods. BOO! Scary stuff! It was the bit about the windswept, crashing branches reminding you of antlers that really got me. I've often wondered why the deity that many call "Cernunnos" has antlers rather than horns. I think that what you were saying is an explanation for this that should certainly not be lightly dismissed. Oh, and are you still trying to raise a million quid?
1629 posts

Re: Spirit of Place
Jun 30, 2003, 14:58
Wow - I go away for the weekend and look what happens! This is some thread...
8112 posts

Re: Wayland's - one of the special places
Jun 30, 2003, 15:48
"I'm just not prepared to speculate about what it is, because my 'something' is garenteed to be different from everyone else's 'something'."

You can't stop there. Everyone's gagging for it!
10943 posts

Re: I eat my words...
Jun 30, 2003, 15:56
The fall of Satan would be a different matter. Not sure on that one. I may just trawl through it all ... oh no!!!

Hope you had a good weekend, dude :-)
1629 posts

Yet Again I eat my words...
Jun 30, 2003, 16:42
I'm just plain & simple wrong! Not sure why the hell I thought it but I'm giving Milton more credit than he deserves (I should point out at this stage that I do have a lot of respect for Milton, despite his Christianity). I'd like to quote an anonymous person now who knows the Bible far better than I do:

"The fall of Lucifer (the morning star) is indeed explicitly described in the bible. It is implied in Chronicles, Job, Zechariah, and once (arguably) in Psalm 109. But Isaiah is very explicit about the whole thing.

'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation...'

...It's really chapter 14 that covers the whole thing... but you might want to read 12 through 17 to get the full context."

So there you go, FourWinds - we're saved from having to study the Bible!

PS - had a top weekend thanks!
2992 posts

Re: Not done!
Jun 30, 2003, 19:10
Hey Tombo! 2 rite!

You know I forgot the Hernea thread (that sounds grotesque) and it makes me realise how little time I've had to go through the Forest in the last month or so. I'll miss it when I'm in Florida. Do they have Horned and thundering Gods in the Everglades? Or swamp lungfish demons? or Sirenes 'n' Horneytoads! I'll be reporting on the spirit of places completely alien to this Northern tribesman!

Are we still raising a million quid?? Of course, and more, it was/is actually (raises little finger) one ...BILLION dollars, (for starters).

No excuses for this last yrs inactivity on that front, it's been quiet on the fundraising front because of urgent family commitments. I (gah) let the domain name run overdue so have subsequently lost it (should be able to re-register it). The cash so far is housed safely in an account (an encouraging $800+) and all contributors filed and noted. You can check us out at http://www.billiondollarproject.moonfruit.com

Keekster (stepson extraordinaire) is going to rebuild the website over the next coupla months, so keep a-looking :-)

Will come back here soon to continue this discussion, or maybe it would be fair to start a new thread?

* b e*
2992 posts

Re: Wayland's - one of the special places
Jun 30, 2003, 19:12
It's got wings??

Or was that Lill-ets?


Cum onTom, get yer cosmics out let's have a look!
10943 posts

Re: Wayland's - one of the special place
Jun 30, 2003, 19:24
"Cum on Tom" ... now who's getting all gay and weird :-)

I'll think about it :-)

has anyone noticed that in plan the cairn of wayland's does look like an enlarged Carefree (TM) pantyliner? Perhaps it does have wings!!
951 posts

Re: Spirit of Place
Jun 30, 2003, 19:53
Quite the opposite of divisive! It seems to me an inredibly unifying thread. After all no group of people are going to agree entirely
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