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1758 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 17, 2003, 15:23
Ah, I've planned in time for that too :-))
335 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 17, 2003, 16:11
You mean you've packed your kagool.

Pix xx
204 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 17, 2003, 16:57
sounds like the perfect vacation..

I can see me doing the same thing...
probs back to Anglesea could be in Ireland Saturday. (ferry - foot passenger)
Hire a car from Wexford £25 per day.
Drive to the the places mentioned in this forum over the past week or so - aah - bisto
Mind you - I have lost me compct flash card - so - I can take 7 photos on internal memory instaed of the 250+ I'm used to.


After all that - I may stay at home and water the plants
I used to be indecisive - but now I can't make me mind up.
10943 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 17, 2003, 17:46
You going to Rosslare? It's a long drive to Cork if that's where you're thinking of going.

Check my site for Wexford/Waterford/Carlow/Kilkenny sites if you think you'll be rushed. Especially think about this one:


Whereever you end up have a good one. I'll be down in Cork myself on Sunday mooching around some circles and a couple of tombs for good measure ... hurrah!

Bring it on!
pure joy
pure joy
334 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 17, 2003, 19:56
go pix go

I agree - there is only so much you can do. After loads of planning your brain goes to mush and you lose some of the creativity.

I once met an Aeroflot pilot who told me their motto was 'the more you plan, the more there is to go wrong'.
111 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 17, 2003, 22:40
Best waiting till later in the day for visiting the better known places, the tourists get scared when the daylight dissapears, theres rumour thats when all the witches come out!!..hehehe...visit 'Boscawen-un' on the full moon and youll soon realise the rumour is actually a fact!, hehe!.I find after 7pm ish best if you want to be on your own, late i know but worth it!, it helps too if you visit these places when the tide is on the 'push'(coming in)..find a 'fogou'(halligye fogou is a good example) if you can, Boliegh is the best but you have to ask Jo at the CAER prior to visiting...sit inside one and that alone will make the journey to Cornwall worthwhile!.
335 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 18, 2003, 08:43
Dunno about sitting inside... I always feel like an intruder.

I went inside West Kennet - breifly.

But felt like I shouldnt be there the whole time.


May do.

Pix xx
335 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 18, 2003, 08:45

Well, I have literally planned nothing.

I haven't got train ticket yet - hopefully the ones I want arent going to be on strike.

Oooooer here we go!!

And I'll see your type when I get back..

If I come back...

Pix xx
1758 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 18, 2003, 08:48
Oh yes, you have to 'do' a fogou...

Halliggye is your nearest I think, the last time I wen tthere in high summer, the place was full of wasps, so I was denied entrance. But as Arnie says - "I'll be back".
858 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 18, 2003, 09:28
I think if I ever saw the countryside of Ireland I wouldn't want to return. Also Cornwall, Brittany, the Scottish isles ...

This structure, site id 933, would be knocked down in England on the grounds that it was unsafe. My High Shield site *could* be a cove, or even a dull one of these. That Time Team 1 sq m. Dig In excavation could help determine which. It's not too difficult to simulate a gang of people and ropes with a machine - and rope. I've looked at the making-safe operations at the Sanctuary, on Pete's site, and cringed. The beginner's mistake is to set the stone straight. They *are* specialist contractors but specialising in underpinning foundations - which is nowhere near the same.

Those short stone rows, with the teeth splayed like a reptile's crest, are fascinating. Harold's Stones. Burl has paired standing stones as one of his types of Stone Row.

The weather's broken.


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