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335 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 10, 2003, 12:01
I think it happened to Wotan yesterday.

MAD! Its like... two parallel universes colliding resulting a double posting!



Pix xx
The Werg
25 posts

Re: Cornovia & Books
Apr 10, 2003, 15:34
I picked up my copy of Cornovia at the Eden Project!

Also must recommend The Romance of the Stones (which I picked up in WHSmiths in Truro) by Robin Payne (illustrated by Rosemarie Lewsey) - covers, allegedly, every megalith in Cornwall, existing or perished. There are 2 editions - one is huge and about £50 depending on where you get it, the other is just the gazeteer, and I got mine for £10. A quick search got me this online reference to the book: http://www.cw.cx/nder/books/rots.htm

Carn Brea (read up on the place before visiting - numerous stones and archaeology features there), Wendron, Burras Menhir, Mabe Church Menhir. Many reports by me, and others are here:

Enjoy yourself!

So much to see in Cornwall!

The Werg
10943 posts

Re: Foulmouth
Apr 10, 2003, 15:36
I feckin' hate feckin' Cornwall. The feckin' place is feckin' full of feckin' c*nts!
1758 posts

Re: Foulmouth
Apr 10, 2003, 15:56
And here's me planning a trip to Ireland!

Still, there's no accounting for taste ;-)
pure joy
pure joy
334 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 10, 2003, 21:42

By the by, you can borrow anything you want from me if you want (Belerion, Cornovia, other cornwall books, maps). Don't wanna be negative but I wouldn't necessarily leave guide books to chance when you get there (unless u r just a wild and crazy gal) - Belerion and Cornovia do pop up in lots of touristy places but you can't be certain. And I doubt you'll be able to stumble across the Meyn Mamvro publications.
335 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 10, 2003, 22:21
Well... I'm buggering off on the 18th hopefully... so it doesnt leave an awful lot of time for preparation.

I feel lucky.

Pix xx
2607 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 11, 2003, 01:08
Ma brother lives there and he's a bit of a neolithic relic very much in the keltiC sense of the word! Just don't go out drinking with him! u have been warned !
blablabla red wine always makes me talk shite sorry! I'll go now sorry sorry. (as he bows his way out)
I AM not ere*
10943 posts

Re: Foulmouth
Apr 11, 2003, 09:10
Hope I wasn't taken too seriously. I just couldn't resist the 'foulmouth' perversion of the subject.

Cornwall is full of great places - some of the best in GB.

335 posts

Re: Falmouth
Apr 11, 2003, 09:54
Red wine? Red wine makes me laugh raucously, and the I'm hungover for a whole DAY.

Sometimes its not what the sounds mean... its just the sounds themselves that make it worth while.

Thanks for your input folks!

Pix xx
601 posts

Re: Fullmouth
Apr 11, 2003, 12:01
mfff fmfmf fm fmfmfm fmmmf mfmfmf mmff... <etc>
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