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which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
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2167 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 16:57
I refer to it as my Clifford T Ward period ;-)
keith a
9577 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 17:13
Back to the scullery with you, you fey young thing!
1628 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 17:29
It began with Bowie... Aladdin Sane, Ziggy and then Low. I still listen to them as much now as I did then.

The Stranglers 'Rattus...' & 'No More Heroes' mad me want to pick up the bass (I wonder how many bassists owe their careers to JJ Burnel?)

Buzzcocks 'Another Music...' & 'Love Bites' made both the pop song & the love song cool again...

The first PIL album made me want to dig deeper & deeper to see what else was possible...Joy Division's 'Unknown Pleasures' continued the search.....

and 'Scott 4' did the rest.....
2167 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 17:31
LOL ! Surely the only time that word has appeared in a chart hit ?

Er, didn't realise until just now that he died tragically young from MS, poor fella.
keith a
9577 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 18:00
bubblehead2 wrote:
LOL ! Surely the only time that word has appeared in a chart hit ?

Er, didn't realise until just now that he died tragically young from MS, poor fella.

I was thinking the same about the word 'taxidermist' recently after playing The Associates Breakfast!

Yeah, knew CTW had died. Might get myself a compilation some time cos I used to love Gaye.
Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Edited Feb 23, 2008, 19:07
Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 18:51
Monkees "Last Train To Clarksville" -- and pretty much every other song featured in the TV show, which I always watched when it was in reruns after the Saturday morning cartoonies in the 1970's. Rock starts here for me.

The Police "Everything She Does Is Magic" -- I thought Sting was the coolest guy alive in 1980! Synthesizers are awesome!

Hall & Oates "I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)" -- probably my other favorite group as a 10-year-old Top 40 addict. This is still a superb song even today, particularly the longer (non-radio) mix! Funky, insanely catchy, and sonicly pretty weird too. Terrence Trent D'Arby only dreamed of making a record like this.

Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" LP -- once I matured from radio to records, this was one of my first purchases (the very, very first LP I bought was "Ziggy Stardust" actually -- I like it better now than I did back then!) Still probably my favorite Beatle record.

Jimi Hendrix "Are You Experienced?" -- gaaaaaaah! Not just incredible playing from Jimi & Mitch (Noel's fine too), but great SONGS. Garage rock from a very advanced civilization of the future.

The Who "Who's Next" -- issued to all adolescent boys at age 15.

Capt. Beefheart "Safe As Milk" -- a very lucky chance find when I was young, bought it cuz I thought the fisheye-lens photos on the cover looked cool. Maybe early exposure to this record is why I have no time for the Rolling Stones!!!! (What have they ever done that rocks like "Zig Zag Wanderer"?)

Pink Floyd "The Wall" -- there were a few months there where I listened to this entire dismal bummer incessantly, and really got into the whole concept story & feeeeeling of it. Sheesh, teenagers!!! I have absolutely no time for this record at all since, like, my 18th birthday.

Sex Pistols "Never Mind The Bollocks" -- was named the second greatest rock LP (after Sgt. Pepper of course) in one of those lists they do every few years in Rolling Stone magazine. I was one of 2 kids in my high school who had ever heard this record (the other one also being a city kid transplanted to a small town.) Even in 1987, being a fan of this band was still a "mark of the weirdo" in many places.

Klaatu "Sir Army Suit" -- in the days before the internet, this group was WAY mysterious. I never believed they were really the Beatles, but loved their Beatle/Floyd/MoodyBlues sound, and pondered who the heck was really behind it all by searching for clues on the album covers, in the lyrics, etc.

Mothers of Invention "Absolutely Free" & "We're Only In It For The Money" -- very first thing I did upon enrolling in college was head to the library and see if they had any Zappa records (since these were all out of print & very expensive back in the 80's). Made a cassette dub of their cassette dub of these 2 records and wore that thing out! Had first heard of this crazy Zappa guy on the Dr. Demento show!

Sonic Youth "Daydream Nation" & Husker Du "Warehouse" -- two albums that pulled me out of my classic rock high school daze and convinced me that there was actually still an interesting music scene out there -- just that you didn't hear about it on the radio!! I think the ONLY contemporary band I listened to much in my pre-college teen years was REM (even hated the U2 "Joshua Tree"!) And even then, I knew I liked REM mainly because they reminded me of the Byrds . . .
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 18:59
Can't help but agree with Keith on this, Mr Dude. Not that Morrissey changed my life or anything, but if you want to do a thread like this I don't think you should throw out barbs at people who happen to like other stuff to you.

For me it was Steve Hillage (Fish Rising), Gong (You), Spirit (Spirit of 76) & Jimi Hendrix (Rainbow Bridge) primarily, athough there have been many many many others.
1576 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 19:09
Even i am backing keith on this one and you all know my feelings!

Sorry Dude!
157 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 19:16
When I was around 12 years old my local library were chucking out an old copy of Kraftwerk's "Autobahn" LP on the Vertigo swirl imprint. I snapped it up for 50p and rushed home to listen to it on my Dad's Garrard deck and Sennheiser cans. Blew my socks off!!!

For the next few years I raided the import bins with the logic that if it was German it must be good. So by the time I was at college I had acquired most of the Krautrocksampler Top 50 - many years before it was published.

Joy Division were the first non-Germans to interest me.
608 posts

Re: which ten albums or ten songs , really grabbed you by the bollocks, when u was young
Feb 23, 2008, 21:21
the dude wrote:
dudes, which, albums, tunes ,really moved ya souls, made u feel completely great, when u where a liitle teenager person,
for me
ac/dc if u want blood, heard this as a school kid and it changed my life, before hearin this i was regrettably a 12 yr old mod, with a bloody parker n all, this lp, changed that,man crankin it up and the hairs on my arms standin up ,
black sabbath black sabbath similar effect to the above,from the lp cover to thr raw beauty of that record,that was it ,at age 13 growing my hair, and livin breathin the music,
as a teenager two people shaped my tastes, the late great john peel and the also late great tommy vance, the friday rock show, gave me a insight in to unknown and amazin music , mostly from the past have to say , i found nwbhm bit shit, but the older stuff grabbed me.
hawkwind, in search of space, i cannot live without this album,although first time i was stoned n listening to this may have helped, just the cozmic groove of it dudes.
mc5 kick out the jams
funhouse stooges, fucking ell made me the man i am today
roy harper.stormcock
john martyn, solid air
both made me want to xplore their works, and moved me onto a different tangent
the tear drop explodes kilamanjiro, again remember feelin blown away
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